Welcome to Lancaster University! As a first-year student starting university not long ago, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to reflect on my time so far and how I have found it. Being a non-drinker, it is my understanding that drinking is not at all necessary to enjoy your time here as I have had a brilliant first term.
Lancaster has become like a second home to me in the relatively short amount of time that I’ve been here, and there are loads of places around the city and campus that have played a big role in that. I’m writing about a few of my favourites in this article.
My fellow Digital Content Ambassadors and I have made, and are working on, some exciting projects to share. We will be making content that gives a real-life insight into being a student at Lancaster, so be sure to keep up to date by following us and the university on social media.
LUMS Careers support
As someone who is career-focused and has come to university to increase my employability skills, and Lancaster hasn’t let me down. The university encourages forward career planning from day one.
In fresher’s week, along with the new cohort of LUMS students, I attended a talk ‘you have what it takes’ delivered by Uche Ezichi. This event was part of the Future Global Leaders module, something which I found exclusive to Lancaster during my research of picking my five university choices. There are many workshops daily, which are delivered by the careers team and help students with expanding their knowledge of the job market.
Through working with the Careers Service, I've already secured a week-long internship with the UK Civil Service for the forthcoming Easter break.