Making friends at university
I couldn’t remember a time before university when I had no friends. I felt like I had forgotten almost, and as no one from my home city came to Lancaster, I was a little nervous about doing it again at the age of 18. Fortunately, Lancaster made it pretty simple. From the get-go during freshers there are so many college and university wide events to go and meet people at. Take advantage of this and maybe set up a group chat with your new flat mates and go together. I found joining societies one of the best ways to meet people because we already had a common interest and got to meet up every week.
Though you may be tired of the whole 'course, name, and where you're from' spiel by the second week, it truly is the best way to make friends. I also want to emphasise that making friends is a different process for everyone and everyone around you is going through the exact same thing. If I could tell 18 year old me one thing, making new friends was something to look forward to, not to be nervous of.