Responsive Mode IAA Applications
If you are considering an IAA Responsive Mode application, please review the information below:
'Responsive mode' is a facility for IAA project proposals to be considered outside the normal call windows in exceptional circumstances. Though the majority of the funding received from the EPSRC and AHRC IAA is already earmarked for planned ‘Calls’, we do retain some flexibility. However we ask that responsive mode be reserved for opportunities that are genuinely time-bound and represent a significant opportunity for LU to engage with a strategic partner.
Therefore, in addition to the normal system of independent appraisal plus alignment to either the EPSRC 'list of research areas' or ‘AHRC Disciplines’ (see funding guide pp 67-74), we stipulate that the following conditions must also be met for an IAA responsive mode application:
1. Projects must articulate how they support the University's Strategic Plan, a Lancaster Research Institute or Centre and/or the following theme(s): health and social care; sustainability and net-zero; cyber security, digital and data; place-based innovation; arts, culture and creative industries.
2. Projects should have clearly defined outcomes and a clear pathway to impact(s) that help us to deliver against EPSRC’s or AHRC’s aims and objectives.
3. Projects should involve collaboration with a key strategic partner, and the opportunity to collaborate be time-bound (i.e. an opportunity which may not be present by the next IAA ‘Call’)
4. PI’s must be able to provide a credible rationale for submission outside the main ‘Calls’
Responsive mode grants are typically up to £20,000, but larger grants can be made in exceptional circumstances and depending on the strength of the case.
*Please note the EPSRC IAA now has very limited funds and a responsive mode application is unlikely to be successful*
*The AHRC IAA has some funds available but large requests are unlikely to be successful*