Two Couples Celebrate 50 Years!
On April 6th 2018, Diane Smith (nee Jones) 1968, English Literature, Bowland and Clifford Smith, 1967, Economics, Lonsdale mark their 50th anniversary and on July 20th 2018, Sheila Brown (nee Council), 1968, English, Bowland and Graham Brown, 1968, Physics, Bowland will have a similar celebration.
Diane and Sheila were allocated digs in the same house on Halton Road when they came up to the university in 1965 and later shared a flat in Morecambe. They attended each other’s weddings and remained close friends, despite the emigration of Di and Cliff to Australia in 1979. They all holidayed together in the ‘70’s, got together in Australia and the UK in the 80’s, 90’s and noughties as their work schedules allowed and, since their retirements, have been able to enjoy holidays together once more.
Lancaster gave them enduring friendships as well as rewarding and enjoyable careers.