The Esmée Fairbairn Lecture 2024

Tuesday 12 November 2024, 5:30pm to 7:30pm


Lancaster University Management School West Pavilion Lecture Theatre 18, Lancaster, LA1 4YX

Open to

Alumni, Applicants, Public, Staff


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

Please register here

Event Details

The Department of Economics cordially invites you to the Esmée Fairbairn Lecture presented by Alan Manning, Professor of Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science.

“Why Immigration Policy Is Hard But We Don’t Have To Make Such a Mess of It”

Alan Manning has long been Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics . He is one of the UK’s top academic labour economists. But what makes him distinctive is that he uses his deep understanding of how labour markets work to generate important insights into topical policy issues. His whole career has been dedicated to exploring the consequences of uncompetitive labour markets – founded on strong theoretical ideas backed by inventive empirical research.

The LSE is not his ivory tower – it has been a launchpad for him to engage with policy-making and to challenge ideas that are based on naïve views of how markets work.

His lecture will build on his expertise - as applied to his experience as Chair of the Migration Advisory Committee 2016-2020. The MAC is the body that advises government on migration issues – an area where what is sensible economics sometimes collides with what is politically possible.

Speaker Bio: CEP | People | Alan Manning (

A list of previous Esmée Fairbairn Lectures, and selected video footage, can be found on this page under the heading “Esmée Fairbairn Lecture Series”:

Please note the lecture will commence at 6pm with registration and refreshments available from 5.30pm.

For further information, please contact Caren Wareing

Contact Details

Name Caren Wareing