Typical bedroom looking past bed and desk towards window

Typical bedroom

Typical bedroom looking from bed towards door and washbasin

Typical bedroom

Two students in a typical kitchen

Typical kitchen - cluster flats

Larger cluster flat communal area - Bowland ASH

Larger cluster flat communal area (Bowland ASH)

Communal space in County Main - sofas, dining area and kitchen

Larger communal living/dining/kitchen (Furness Main)

Communal space in County Main - sofas, dining area and kitchen

Larger communal living/dining/kitchen (County Main)

Typical single bedroom

Typical single bedroom

Soft seating area - townhouse-style accommodation.

Townhouse-style living area

Shared kitchen and dining area.

Townhouse-style kitchen/dining area

Townhouse-style kitchen/dining area

Townhouse-style kitchen/dining area