Resident Engagement Strategy

Two students sat on a bed laughing

The Resident Engagement Strategy is for students living in Lancaster University owned and managed accommodation and is a key part of Building Safety Act legislation. In these pages you will find out how we will communicate about building safety decisions, how we will collect and use your opinions, and measure and review resident participation in building safety decisions.

The safety of your building includes fire safety, electrical safety, structural safety, and security.

If you live in accommodation not owned and managed by the University you should contact the building management team for your accommodation building for more information.

Building Safety Act 2022 – University Requirements

The Building Safety Act was implemented in 2022 in England and Wales and plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of buildings designated as higher risk due to their height exceeding 18 metres or 7 storeys. This requires the University to keep additional and comprehensive documentation within a building ‘safety case’, clearly explaining how university designated higher risk buildings are constructed, maintained, and managed. It also ensures that strict controls are in place on any planned works undertaken, these requiring approval by the government appointed Building Safety Regulator.
