4 Markov chains

4.4 Asymptotic and invariant distributions

Definition 4.4.1.

A homogeneous MC has an invariant distribution π if


Therefore if πt=π then so also πt+1=π, …. In particular, if the initial distribution happens to be invariant, distribution of all {Xt} remain same. For this reason, the invariant distribution is sometimes called the stationary distribution of the MC.

Method 4.4.2.

Calculation of invariant distributions can be done by directly solving

πP=πor equivalentlyπ(P-I)=0.

When written out as a set of equations any one of them is a combination of the others, because they all sum to give 1=1, or equivalently 0=0. Thus any one equation is redundant and can be removed.

The equations are also homogeneous, i.e. given any solution (other than π=0), it is also a solution when multiplied by any constant. For that reason we have to solve the equation together with the condition that iπi=1.

Example 4.4.3 (How to obtain the invariant distribution).

gives the equation aπ1=bπ2 or π1=bπ2/a. Thus


The last step was simply to divide by the sum of the components of a solution proportional to that required.

This illustrates a useful approach to obtaining π. First solve xP=x or equivalently x(P-I)=0 by setting some element of x to γ. After solving for the whole vector x, divide it by the sum of its elements to obtain π.


Invariant distribution may not always exist, that is, it may not be possible to solve π=πP. A chain always has one (at least on a finite state space), and may have more than one invariant distribution. If πa and πb are two different invariant distributions, then another is γπa+(1-γ)πb (for γ[0,1]). In later sections we will discuss conditions for existence and uniqueness of the invariant distribution.

Consider example (ii) from 4.2.2.

The states of this chain are reducible into {1,4}{2,3}. Using the previous Example 4.4.3, the chain on states 1 and 4 has invariant distribution (4/5,0,0,1/5), and the chain on states 2 and 3 has invariant distribution (0,2/3,1/3,0). Let the total probability of starting in states 1 and 4 be γ; the invariant distribution of the chain is

Example 4.4.4 (Example 4.3.5 continued).

Find the invariant distribution for the no claims bonus.

The equation x(P-I)=0 gives, in this case,


To solve this let x3=γ then x4=2γ, x2=32(x3-16x4)=γ, and x1=32(13x2+16x3)=34γ. So x=(34,1,1,2)γ(3,4,4,8)π=(319,419,419,819).

Definition 4.4.5.

A homogeneous MC has an asymptotic distribution π if πtπ whatever the initial distribution π0.

Example 4.4.6 (Finding the asymptotic distribution).

Let 0a,b1 and

P=(1-aab1-b) and let πt=(utvt)=(ut  1-ut).

We find expression for ut as follows. Using πt+1=πtP,


We use here just the first component of the matrix equation since vt=1-ut.

Recall the technique for solving difference equations. The auxilliary equation θ-α=0 has solution α. Hence solution to the homogeneous equation ut+1=αut is ut=Aαt.

To find the particular solution to the non-homogeneous equation, try ut=c, a constant. Then c=αc+b implies, c=b/(1-α). Hence the general solution is


Substituting t=0, A=u0-b/(1-α). Hence


Since a,b[0,1], -11-a-b1 and so, provided a and b are not both 0 or both 1, the term (1-a-b)t0 as t. Therefore utb/(a+b) and


whatever the value of π0. Observe that this is the invariant distribution of Example 4.4.3.

Next we consider some sufficient conditions under which a solution to π=πP exists.

4.4.1 Detailed balance

Theorem 4.4.7.

A sufficient condition for π to be the invariant distribution is given by the so-called detailed-balance equations:

πiPij=πjPji for all i and j.

(These equations do not always hold; but when they do they are much easier to solve. Also, πiPij can be interpreted as the flow from i to j.)


Sum the left and the right-hand sides over i:

If πiPij=πjPjii,j then

iπiPij = iπjPji
(πP)j = πjiPji
= πj.

This is true j so πP=π. ∎

Example 4.4.8.

Use detailed balance to calculate the invariant distribution of the 4-state Markov chain with transition matrix


Note that the detailed-balance equations hold automatically for i=j and for those pairs of (i,j) for which Pij=Pji=0. Hence we only need to consider ij with Pij0, namely,


Hence π(1,2,2,1), so π=1/6(1,2,2,1).

Definition 4.4.9.

If the transition matrix satisfies detailed balance then the Markov chain is said to be reversible at equilibrium or, more simply reversible.

At equilibrium the system should behave the same going forward in time as it does going backwards in time so that someone observing a video of the stochastic process would be unable to tell whether or not it was being shown backwards.

Theorem 4.4.10.

Any transition kernel of the form


satisfies detailed balance. Note that this is a matrix with Pij=0 for |i-j|>1.

We will prove a very similar theorem for continuous-time Markov chains (Theorem 5.4.2) and so will omit the proof here. However the reason why the theorem holds is that detailed balance requires exactly that


i.e. there are no other equations that need to be satisfied. Together with the fact that πi=1 we have N equations in N unknowns which can be solved.