4 Markov chains

4.5 Classification of states

Definition 4.5.1.

A state i is persistent (also called recurrent) if

P(Xt=i for some t1|X0=i)=1.

Otherwise a state is transient.

This definition states that a state, i, is persistent if the chain, started from state i, will always (eventually) return to that state, and transient if it does not necessarily return.

  • (a)

    An absorbing state i (such that P(Xt+1=i,|Xt=i)=1) is persistent by definition. Contrariwise, a state i for which probability of returning to i is zero (there is no arrow towards i) is transient.

  • (b)

    Quite often, we show that a state is persistent by showing that

    P(Xti,for all t1|X0=i)=0.

The following theorem gives us a way to calculate whether a state is transient or persistent.

Theorem 4.5.2.

A state i is transient iff


For a state i, let Vi be the number of visits to i. Then, using indicator functions,


where 11{A} is the indicator function, i.e. 11{A}=1 if A is true, and 11{A}=0 otherwise. So



γi=P(Xt=i for some t1|X0=i).

Then, conditional on X0=i, Vi is a geometric random variable with parameter 1-γi (each return to i corresponds to a failure, and successive trials are independent and identically distributed by the Markov property). Hence


and the rhs is finite iff i is transient. ∎

Recall the definition of communicating classes from Section 4.2. The following theorem shows that transience and persistence are class properties.

Theorem 4.5.3.
  • (i)

    The states within a single communicating class are either all transient or all persistent.

  • (ii)

    Every persistent class is closed.

  • (iii)

    Every finite closed class is persistent. In particular, all states in a finite irreducible chain are persistent.

  • (i)

    Suppose that ij and that i is transient. Then there exist n,m>0 such that [Pn]ij>0 and [Pm]ji>0. But then, for all r, by matrix multiplication, and using the non-negativity of the matrix entries,




    and hence, by Theorem 4.5.2,


    Therefore, j is transient by Theorem 4.5.2.

  • (ii)

    Suppose that a class C is not closed. Then there exist iC, jC such that Pij>0. But then

    P(Xti for all t1|X0=i) P(X1=j,Xti for all t2|X0=i)
    =P(Xti for all t2|X1=j,X0=i)P(X1=j|X0=i)
    =P(Xti for all t2|X1=j)Pij

    where the penultimate equality uses the Markov property and the last inequality follows since j↛i as jC. Therefore i, and hence C is not persistent.

  • (iii)

    Suppose that C is a finite closed class and let iC. Since C is finite, there must exist some jC for which

    P(Xt=j for infinitely many t0|X0=i)>0.

    Since ji, there exists some s such that P(Xs=i|X0=j)>0. But then

    P(Xt=j for infinitely many t0|X0=j)
    P(Xs=i,Xt=j for infinitely many ts|X0=j)
    =P(Xt=j for infinitely many ts|Xs=i,X0=j)P(Xs=i|X0=j)
    =P(Xt=j for infinitely many ts|Xs=i)P(Xs=i|X0=j)
    =P(Xt=j for infinitely many t0|X0=i)P(Xs=i|X0=j)

    But this means that E(Vj|X0=j)=, where Vj is the number of visits to j and by the proof of Theorem 4.5.2, j and hence C is persistent.

It is generally not difficult to identify closed classes, so establishing transience or persistence for finite MCs is straightforward.

Exercise 4.5.4.

(i) For which of the Markov chains in 4.2.2 above, is there a transient state?

P3: state 1.

(ii) What are transient states of the Markov chain with transition matrix?


There are two classes {1,3} and {2,4} with {2,4} being transient.

Definition 4.5.5.

The period of a state, i, is defined as

di=greatest common divider{t:P(Xt=i|X0=i)>0}.

A state, i, has period d if the Markov chain, started at i, can only return to i after a multiple of d time-steps.

All states in the same communicating class of a Markov chain have the same period. In particular, all states of an irreducible Markov chain have the same period.

Definition 4.5.6.

A Markov chain is aperiodic if all states have period 1. (So an irreducible Markov chain is aperiodic if any state has period 1.)


A periodic chain exhibits some form of deterministic behaviour, for example a Markov chain with period 2 will alternate between two sets of states, one of which it can be in at odd time points, and the other at even time points.

If an irreducible Markov chain has Pii>0 for some i then it is aperiodic.


Exercise 4.5.7.

Classify the Markov chains in 4.2.2 as either periodic or aperiodic. State the period of the periodic Markov chains.

P1 has period 2; others are aperiodic.

P2 and P4 are aperiodic since each communicating class has a state which can return to itself in 1 step with positive probability. For P3, {1} is aperiodic for the same reason. The class {2,3,4} is aperiodic as it can return to state 2 in 2 steps or 3 steps and gcd(2,3)=1.