We call the matrix of -step transition probabilities:
that is the power of the matrix .
For the case ; induction can be used for the general result.
Now in general, , giving
By the Markov property this is
This is a relationship which we use just once; its analogue in continuous time is important. From Theorem 4.3.2, it follows from the associativity of matrix multiplication.
Let the row vector hold the pmf of , i.e.
and more generally
In particular, suppose that has initial distribution and that the chain is homogeneous in time, then
Note that , the pmf of , depends on the initial distribution of . This is often determined by knowledge that is in some particular state, say. Then where the is in the th position.
The point of the result is that , , …can be evaluated knowing only .
Let have four states representing either none, one year, two years or three years of no claims bonus on an automobile insurance of Mr X at the year. Let the transition probability matrix be
and take . Then
So as increases, converges. In the following, we are interested to make predictions about the system behaviour of as goes larger.