MATH319 Exercises

5 Assessed Exercise 2

A2.1 Let


find an invertible matrix S and a diagonal matrix D such that


Hence or otherwise find exp(tA), where t is a real variable.


A2.2 Find a matrix A such that s4+2s3+s2+4s+2 is the characteristic polynomial of A. Then find the eigenvalues of A numerically.


A2.3 Let A be a (n×n) complex matrix, and for C a (1×n) row vector let


(i) Show that W is a complex vector space.

(ii) Show that W has dimension one, if and only if CT is an eigenvector of AT. Here AT is the transpose of A.

(iii) Use the Cayley–Hamilton theorem to show that, for all A, right multiplication RA:XXA for XW defines a linear operator RA:WW.

(iv) Given that dimension of W equals the rank of P, where


calculate the dimension of W when



A2.4 Let T(s) be a complex rational function, not necessarily proper. Show that:

(i) T(s) is proper, if and only if there exists L𝐂 such that T(s)L as |s|;

(ii) T(s) is strictly proper, if and only if T(s)0 as |s|.
