A2.1 Let
find an invertible matrix and a diagonal matrix such that
Hence or otherwise find , where is a real variable.
A2.2 Find a matrix such that is the characteristic polynomial of . Then find the eigenvalues of numerically.
A2.3 Let be a complex matrix, and for a row vector let
(i) Show that is a complex vector space.
(ii) Show that has dimension one, if and only if is an eigenvector of . Here is the transpose of .
(iii) Use the Cayley–Hamilton theorem to show that, for all , right multiplication for defines a linear operator .
(iv) Given that dimension of equals the rank of , where
calculate the dimension of when
A2.4 Let be a complex rational function, not necessarily proper. Show that:
(i) is proper, if and only if there exists such that as ;
(ii) is strictly proper, if and only if as .