MATH319 Exercises

4 Workshop Exercise 2

W2.1 Let A be a complex (n×n) matrix with distinct eigenvalues λ1,,λn. Show that there exists an invertible matrix S such that


for all sλ1,,λn.

W2.2 (i) Find a SISO system that has transfer function


(ii) Find approximate numerical values for the eigenvalues of A.

W2.3 Let A be the matrix


(i) Find detA.

(ii) Use reduction of determinants to find det(sI-A).

W2.4 Let A be a (n×n) complex matrix, and for B a (n×1) column vector, let


(i) Show that V is a complex vector space.

(ii) Show that V has dimension one, if and only if B is an eigenvector of A.

(iii) Use the Cayley–Hamilton theorem from frame 30 to show that, for all A, the left multiplication LA:XAX for XV defines a linear operator LA:VV.

(iv) Given that dimension of V equals the rank of Q where


calculate the dimension of V when


W2.5 Find a SISO system (A,B,C,D) that has transfer function


W2.6 Express the matrix


in Jordan canonical form.

W2.7 Let A be (n×n), B be (n×1), C be (1×n) and D be (1×1) constant matrices. Show that


W2.8 Let (A,B,C,D) be a SISO with transfer function T. Show that (At,Ct,Bt,D) is also a SISO with transfer function T, where here At denotes the transpose of A.

W2.9 Suppose that S is an invertible matrix. From the SISO system (A,B,C,D), we introduce another SISO by (A^,B^,C^,D^)=(S-1AS,S-1B,CS,D).

(i) Show that


(ii) Using W2.7, or otherwise, deduce that the transfer functions of these linear systems are equal.