MATH319 Exercises

6 Workshop Exercises 3

W3.1 Calculate the Laplace transform Y^(s) of the matrix function


and locate any poles of Y^(s).

W3.2 Let ω,ν>0 be constants.

(i) Verify that the initial value problem


has solution


(The addition formula for sin may be helpful.)

(ii) For u(t)=cosωt, evaluate the solution y explicitly, treating the cases νω and ν=ω separately.

W3.3 (i) Let D be a (n×n) diagonal matrix with positive diagonal entries κ1κ2κn. Show that

κnX2DX,Xκ1X2  (X𝐑n×1).

(ii) Let K be a (n×n) real symmetric matrix with positive eigenvalues κ1κ2κn. Show that

κnX2KX,Xκ1X2  (X𝐑n×1).

W3.4 Solve the integral equation


where y has property (E), by using Laplace transforms.

W3.5 A model for an electrical circuit is given by a SISO system (A,B,C,D) where L,c,R are positive constants and


(i) Find the transfer function T(s).

(ii) Show that the eigenvalues λ of A have negative real parts.

W3.6 Find a SISO system (A,B,C,D) that has transfer function


and find numerical values for the eigenvalues of A. Start by dividing numerator by denominator.

W3.7 Say that f:(0,)𝐂 belongs to L1(0,) if f is integrable and 0|f(x)|𝑑x is finite. Say that h:(0,)𝐂 is bounded if there exists M such that |h(t)|M for all t>0. Show that if fL1(0,) and h is bounded and continuous, then fh is bounded.

W3.8 Let A be a real (3×3) matrix.

(i) Show that det(sI-A) has either (a) three real zeros, or (b) one real root and a pair of complex conjugate zeros.

(ii) Show that, in both cases (a) and (b), A has a real eigenvector.

W3.9 Let A and B be (n×n) complex matrices. By considering the (2n×2n) block matrices


and the determinants of XY and YZ, show that AB and BA have equal characteristic polynomials.

W3.10 (i) Describe or sketch the graph of h(t)=H(t-a)-H(t-b) for 0<a<b, and compute the Laplace transform h^(s).

(ii) For ε>0, let fε(t)=ε-1(H(t-ε)-H(t)). Calculate the Laplace transform f^ε(s), and find the limit as ε0+.

W3.11 Let be the set of functions of the form


where n0 and aj𝐂.

(i) Show that f(s) is differentiable, and f(s).

(ii) Show that, for all f(s),g(s), the sum f(s)+g(s) and the product f(s)g(s) also belong to .

(iii) Show that f(s) is the Laplace transform of

y(t)=j=1najtj-1e-t(j-1)!  (t>0).