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Exercise 4.59:

For each of the following functions, determine whether the axioms 1 and 2 are satisfied.

  1. i.

    T:3, where T(x,y,z):=x+y+1.

  2. ii.

    D:𝒫3()𝒫3(), where D(f):=dfdx; in other words, D is defined by differentiating real polynomials which are degree less than or equal to 3.

  3. iii.

    tr:M3() defined by tr(A):=a11+a22+a33; this is the trace of a matrix, defined by adding together the entries on the diagonal.

Exercise 4.60:

Let T:22 be defined by T(x,y)=(2x-y,x+3y). Let 𝒞 be the standard basis, and =((1,0),(1,1)).

  1. i.

    Compute [T]𝒞𝒞, [T]𝒞, [T]𝒞, and [T],

  2. ii.

    Compute [TT],

  3. iii.

    Hence verify that ([T]𝒞)([T]𝒞)=[TT]=([T])([T]).

Exercise 4.61:

Let T:M2()2 be T([abcd])=(a+2d,3b+4c). If 𝒞 is the standard basis of 2 and is the standard basis of M2():


Compute [T]𝒞.

Exercise 4.62:

For each of the following linear transformations, find a basis of the image and for the kernel. Hence verify the result of Theorem 4.24 in these cases.

  1. i.


  2. ii.

    T:22 defined by T(x,y)=(x+y,x+y).

  3. iii.

    T:23 defined by T(x,y)=(x+2iy,y-x,ix+y).

  4. iv.

    T:3𝒫2() defined by T(a,b,c)=(a-b)+(b-c)x+(a-c)x2.

Exercise 4.63:

Let T(x,y,z)=(2x-y-z,2y-x-z,2z-x-y) be a linear transformation from 33, and let 𝒞 be the standard basis. So [T]𝒞𝒞=[2-1-1-12-1-1-12]. For each of the following bases of 3, find [Id]𝒞, and then use Theorem 4.52 to find the matrix [T].

  1. i.


  2. ii.


  3. iii.


Exercise 4.64:

Let T:VV be a linear transformation, and assume λ is an eigenvalue of T.

  1. i.

    Prove that if Tr is the identity transformation then λr=1.

  2. ii.

    Prove that if T2=T (in other words, T is idempotent) then λ=0 or 1.

  3. iii.

    Prove that if Tr=0 (in other words, T is nilpotent) then λ=0.

Exercise 4.65:

Prove that similarity defines an equivalence relation on Mn(F). In other words, for A,B,CMn(F):

  1. i.

    (Reflexivity): Prove that A is similar to A.

  2. ii.

    (Symmetry): Prove that if A is similar to B, then B is similar to A.

  3. iii.

    (Transitivity): Prove that if A is similar to B, and B is similar to C, then A is similar to C.

Exercise 4.66:

Let A,BMn(F).

  1. i.

    Prove that A is invertible if and only if rankA=n.

  2. ii.

    Prove that if A is invertible then rankAB=rankB

Exercise 4.67:

Let A,BMn(F), prove that rankABmin{rankA,rankB}.

Exercise 4.68:

Find examples of the following (possibly non-linear) functions:

  1. i.

    f:32 such that S:={(x,y,z)3|f(x,y,z)=(0,0)} is a subspace.

  2. ii.

    f:23 such that S:={(x,y)2|f(x,y)=(0,0,0)} is a 2-dimensional subspace.

  3. iii.

    f:22 such that S:={(x,y)2|f(x,y)=(0,0)} is the empty set.

  4. iv.

    f:2 such that S:={(x,y)2|f(x,y)=0} is not the empty set, and is also not a subspace.

Exercise 4.69:

Assume that T,S:VV are bijective linear transformations between vector spaces (possibly infinite dimensional). Prove TS:VV is a bijective linear transformation with (TS)-1=S-1T-1.

[Recall, means “compose” the transformations.]

Exercise 4.70:

Recall that V= may be viewed as a 2-dimensional vector space over the field , and we can use the standard basis ={1,i}. The function T: which sends xix is a linear transformation of the 2-dimensional real vector space .

  1. i.

    Find the 2×2 matrix A=[T].

  2. ii.

    Prove that T is a linear transformation of 1-dimensional complex vector spaces.

  3. iii.

    Can you find a 2×2 matrix which produces a real linear transformation , which is not a complex linear transformation ?

Exercise 4.71:

A linear transformation T:VV on an inner product space is called self-adjoint if:


for all x,yV.

  1. i.

    Prove that T:nn (using the standard inner product) is self-adjoint if and only if its associated matrix (in the standard basis) is symmetric.

  2. ii.

    Let V be the inner product space of real-valued continuous functions on [0,1] from Example 3.15. Consider the function g(t)=t, which is in V. Then define T:VV by T(f):=gf. Prove that T is self-adjoint.

  3. iii.

    Prove that T from part (ii) has no eigenvalues nor eigenvectors.

This example proves that the spectral decomposition from Theorem 5.7 does not generalize to self-adjoint linear transformations of infinite-dimensional inner product spaces.

Exercise 4.72:

Let V be the vector space of all functions which are infinitely differentiable everywhere (also called C, meaning, their nth-derivatives exist for any n). Then differentiation defines a map D:VV.

  1. i.

    Verify that D is a linear transformation

  2. ii.

    What is the kernel of D?

  3. iii.

    What is the image of D?

Exercise 4.73:

(Bonus of Pisa) Let A=[1110], and x1=[11]. Inductively define a sequence of vectors xi=Axi-1, for all i2.

  1. i.

    Write down the vectors x1,,x8.Do you see a pattern?

  2. ii.

    Find a diagonal matrix D and invertible matrix P such that A=PDP-1.

  3. iii.

    Use the equation xn=An-1x1=(P-1Dn-1P)x1 to devise an explicit formula for the coordinates of xn.

Learning objectives for Chapter 4:

Pass Level: You should be able to…

  • Given bases ,𝒞 of n, and a linear transformation T:nn, find [T]𝒞 (e.g. Exercises 4.8 and 4.60).

  • Find a basis for the kernel and the image of a linear transformation T:nn (e.g. Exercise 4.22).

  • Articulate the relationship between the number of solutions of a system of linear equations and the ranks of certain matrices (e.g. Theorem 4.28).

  • State the definitions of “injective”, “surjective”, and “bijective”, and to give various examples and non-examples of all of them (e.g. Exercise 4.42).

  • Compute the change of basis matrix between two bases, and use it to find the coordinates of a vector in a new basis (e.g. Example 4.50 and Exercise 4.51(v)).

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, at least 50% of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.

First class level: You should be able to…

  • Write a complete solution, without referring to any notes, to at least 80% of the exercises in this Chapter, and in particular the proof questions.

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, all of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.