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4.A The matrix of a linear transformation

Throughout this Chapter we will use the letter F to denote any field; but usually, in exercises and applications, it will mean either F= or F=. The notion of a linear transformation was introduced in MATH105 as a function from n to m. We will restate the definition here, in terms of arbitrary vector spaces.

Definition 4.1:

Let V and W be vector spaces over the same field F. A function T:VW is called a linear transformation if it satisfies the following two conditions:

  1. T1

    T(v+w)=T(v)+T(w) for any v,wV,

  2. T2

    T(αv)=αT(v) for any vV and αF.

Here V is the domain of T, and W is the codomain of T.

Example 4.2.

Let AMn×m(F) for a field F. Then the function T:FmFn defined as follows is a linear transformation:


for all xFm. Here we consider elements of Fm as m×1 column vectors.

As we have seen in MATH105 for F=, every linear transformation T:FmFn can be expressed as T(x)=Ax for some matrix A.

[Caution: The phrase “Linear transformation” is used differently in MATH230. In that module the functions of the form T(x)=Ax+b, where b is a non-zero vector are also considered “linear transformations” (unlike this module). Also, other sources sometimes prefer the name “linear map” or “vector space morphism”.]

Example 4.3.

Let T:R3R2 be defined by T(x,y,z):=(x+2y,y-z). Find a matrix A such that T(v)=Av.

Solution: Write e1,e2,e3 for the standard basis of R3, and to avoid duplicating notation, we write f1,f2 for the standard basis of R2. Then we compute that

T(e1) =(1,0)=f1+0f2
T(e2) =(2,1)=2f1+f2
T(e3) =(0,-1)=0f1-f2.

Finally, create A by taking the columns to be the coordinates of T(ei) with respect to the standard basis of R2. So A=[12001-1].

The above example should be familiar from MATH105. It makes use of the standard basis of n. The following generalization allows for non-standard bases as well.

Definition 4.4:

Let V, W be vector spaces over the same field F, and assume:


is a basis of V, and


is basis of W. If T:VW is a linear transformation, then the matrix of T with domain basis B and codomain basis C is constructed as follows:


In other words, the columns are the coordinates of T(bi) with respect to the basis 𝒞. In the case when =𝒞 we also simply write:


If no basis is specified, then the matrix of a linear transformation T:FmFn is defined as above, but using the standard basis for Fn and Fm, as in Example 4.3.

Example 4.5.

Let T:R2R2 be defined by T(x,y):=(4y,-x-4y), and let B=((2,-1),(1,0)) be a basis for R2. Compute the matrix of T with respect to the basis B in the domain and codomain.

Solution: We compute the coordinates as T(bi) as follows:

T(b1) =(-4,2)=-2b1+0b2
T(b2) =(0,-1)=b1-2b2.

Using these coordinates as the column vectors, we find [T]BB=[-210-2].

Exercise 4.6:

Consider the linear transformation T:22 defined by T(x,y):=(-x+2y,-6x+6y). Prove that the matrix of T with respect to the basis =((2,3),(1,2)) in both the domain and codomain is:


[End of Exercise]

Theorem 4.7.

Let T:VW be a linear transformation, and B,C bases for V and W respectively. Then for any vector vV we have


Recall that [v]B is the column vector of coordinates of v with respect to B, and [T(v)]C is the column vector of coordinates of T(v) with respect to C.

In other words, the matrix [T]𝒞 transforms the coordinate vector [v] to [T(v)]𝒞. The following exercise verifies this theorem is some specific cases.

Exercise 4.8:

Let T((x,y,z)):=(x,x+y,x+y+z), and v=(1,0,0), and let 𝒞 be the standard basis of 3. For each of the following bases, compute [T]𝒞 and [v]. Hence verify Theorem 4.7 for the vector v in each case:

  1. i.

    is the standard basis of 3.

  2. ii.


  3. iii.


[End of Exercise]

Corollary 4.9.

If B, C, and D are all bases of V, and T,S:VV are linear transformations, then we have


The proof repeatedly uses Theorem 4.7. For any vV we have:


But if P[v]=Q[v] for all vectors v, then P=Q. The result follows. ∎

It’s as if the neighbouring “𝒞”s cancel each other out. This is the reason for writing the notation as it is, and is a good trick for manipulating these matrices.