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4.B Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

The reason the matrix in Exercise 4.6 is diagonal is that the new basis vectors are all eigenvectors. Recall the definition:

Definition 4.10:

Given a linear transformation T:VV from a vector space V to itself, an eigenvector is a non-zero vector 0xV such that Tx=λx for some scalar λF, called an eigenvalue.

It is understood that eigenvectors of a square matrix A refer to the eigenvectors of the associated linear transformation FnFn, defined by xAx, using the standard basis to write vectors in Fn.

In MATH105, techniques were developed to find all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real square matrices, first by solving the polynomial equation det(A-λIn)=0 (for λF), and then for each eigenvalue, finding all eigenvectors by solving a system of linear equations in the coefficients; these techniques still work over arbitrary fields F. Recall that cA(λ):=det(A-λIn) is called the characteristic polynomial of A. It is a degree n polynomial with coefficients in F. One of the main benefits of finding eigenvectors is the following:

Theorem 4.11.

If a vector space V has a basis B=(x1,,xn) consisting of eigenvectors of some linear transformation T, then


where λi is the eigenvalue of xi.


Since Txi=λixi, the ith column of the matrix [T] is


, where the λi is in the ith position. So all of the λi’s are along the diagonal of [T], with zeros elsewhere. ∎

Exercise 4.12:

Find the eigenvalues, and their corresponding eigenvectors (known as an eigenspace), for each of the following matrices.

  1. i.


  2. ii.


  3. iii.


Exercise 4.13:

For each of the matrices in Exercise 4.12, decide whether or not 3 has a basis consisting of eigenvectors.

Exercise 4.14:

Let V:=M2(F) be the vector space of 2×2 matrices over a field F. Let T:VV be the transpose, defined by T(A):=AT. Then T is a linear transformation. Can you find a basis of V in which T is diagonal?

[End of Exercise]