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4.D Dimension theorem

In understanding these subspaces, one of the first questions that might come to mind is: “How big are they?” Well, the size of a subspace is measured by its dimension, and the following theorem shows that if you know the dimension of either imT or kerT, then you immediately also know the dimension of the other one.

Theorem 4.24 (Dimension theorem).

Let T:VW be a linear transformation between vector spaces over F, where V is finite dimensional. Then


[Aside: This is sometimes also called the “Rank-Nullity theorem” because dim(imT) is the rank of T (see below), and dim(kerT) is often referred to as the nullity of T.]


Let n=dimV, and choose a basis (x1,,xk) of the kernel, where k=dim(kerT). By Corollary 2.37, we can extend this linearly independent set to a basis of V, by adding vectors (xk+1,,xn). Now I claim that =(T(xk+1),,T(xn)) is a basis for imT.

Since the image of T is spanned by the images of the basis vectors, and T(xi)=0 for any i=1,,k, this shows spans imT.

To show is linearly independent, assume we have scalars αiF such that


, where last equality follows from the linearity of T. In particular, this means i=k+1nαixikerT=span{x1,,xk}. So by the linear independence of the xi, we have αi=0 for all i. This proves is linearly independent, and hence is a basis for imT. Therefore, dim(imT)=n-k=dimV-dim(kerT) as required. ∎

We will define the rank of a matrix differently to that used in MATH105. The “rank” of A is defined as


The next theorem shows that this definition is equivalent to the one used in MATH105.

Theorem 4.25.

Let AMn×m(F) be a matrix. Then

rankA=dim(span of columns of A)=dim(span of rows of A).

The left equality is true by Theorem 4.16. The proof of the right hand equality is omitted from this module, but we include it below for the interested reader.

Let Ared be the reduced row echelon form of A. By Theorem 4.24, we have


But dim(kerA)=dim(kerAred) by Theorem 4.23, and hence rankA=rankAred.

Next, by Theorem 2.49, the number r:=dim(span of rows of Ared) equals the number of non-zero rows of Ared, and therefore the image of Ared is contained in the r-dimensional subspace span{e1,,er}Fn. So dim(imAred)r. In other words:

dim(span of columns of A)=rankA=dim(imAred)r=dim(span of rows of A).

Since this argument applies to any matrix, it applies to the transpose AT, which tells us the reverse inequality is true (since the transpose operation exchanges the rows and columns of a matrix). Hence we must have equality. ∎

An immediate consequence of this Theorem is that rankA=rankAT.

Exercise 4.26:

Let D:𝒫3()𝒫3() be the linear transformation defined by differentiation of the single variable. For example, D(x2)=2x. Let =(1,x,x2,x3); this is the standard basis for 𝒫3().

  1. i.

    Compute [D],

  2. ii.

    Find a basis for the kernel of D,

  3. iii.

    Find a basis for the image of D,

  4. iv.

    Verify the dimension theorem for D.

[End of Exercise]

Corollary 4.27.

Let A be a square matrix. Then the following three conditions are equivalent to each other:

  • The rows of A are linearly independent

  • The columns of A are linearly independent

  • A is invertible.

The above corollary to Theorem 4.25 is used regularly in statistics during the process of multiple linear regression (see MATH235 and MATH452).