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3.4 Fundamental theorem of calculus and applications

We can now connect integration and differentiation in a very elegant way. Let us denote [b,a]:=[a,b] and


if a<b and f:[a,b] is continuous.

Theorem 3.4.1.

Let I be an interval, f:IR continuous and cI. Then the indefinite integral with base point c ,


is differentiable and F(x)=f(x), for all xI.

The theorem states that F becomes “automatically” differentiable if f is continuous!

Comment: As defined, the indefinite integral F of f is a function again, while the (definite) integral of f in Theorem 1.2.12 is a number. However, if I=[a,b] then, taking as base point c=a, this number is exactly the value F(b).


In order to prove differentiability at some fixed xI, we consider the difference quotient:


where h0 is such that [x,x+h]I; here the last equality follows from Proposition 1.3.4. We consider the last integral and remember that


Thus, by Proposition 1.3.1,


Remember that h may be negative, as explained above.

We claim that


which will prove that




To prove our claim (*), let us recall that f is continuous at x. Thus, for every ε>0, there is δ>0 such that if |s|<δ then |f(x+s)-f(x)|<ε. Take h such that 0<|h|<δ and [x,x+h]I, which is legitimate since we are interested in the limit h0 in (*). Then


which proves (*). ∎

Key idea of proof.

bound 1hxx+hf(t)dt between infs[0,h]f(x+s) and sups[0,h]f(x+s), use continuity of f, and study the limit h0.

Example 3.4.2.

Consider the function


We would like to find


for fixed x, the indefinite integral with base point 0, from scratch (without looking at any integral tables). We compute the lower and upper approximating step functions:




For x=1.5, we get the following picture (with full blue the upper and dashed red the lower approximating step functions):

The integral of each of these is

n(f)= 0x(f,[0,x],n,w)dx=i=12n(i-1)x2nx2n=x24ni=12n(i-1)
= x24n2n(2n-1)2=x222n-12n


un(f)= 0xu(f,[0,x],n,w)dx=i=12nix2nx2n=x24ni=12ni
= x24n(2n+1)2n2=x222n+12n.

Thus n(f)x22un(f) and


so our indefinite integral with base point 0 is


We know from Example 3.1.2 that F is differentiable with F(x)=2x2=x, for all x[0,), so F=f, confirming the theorem.

Exercise W5.1.

In analogy to the preceding example, compute the indefinite integral of


with base point 0. You may use the formula


For other functions, this procedure of calculating the indefinite integral by hand would be very inefficient, so we would like to build up more machinery first.

Theorem 3.4.3.

Let G:IR be differentiable on I with continuous derivative, and let cI. Then


Let F:I be the indefinite integral for G with base point c. From Theorem 3.4.1 we know that F is differentiable with F(x)=G(x), for all xI, so (F-G)(x)=0, for all xI. Corollary 3.3.2(iii) then shows that there must be λ such that (F-G)(x)=λ, for all xI. Since F(c)=0, we get λ=-G(c), so F(x)=G(x)-G(c), which proves the theorem. ∎

Remark 3.4.4.

Theorems 3.4.1 and 3.4.3 together say that “composing integration and differentiation gives you the identity operation up to a constant”, symbolically (but not mathematically rigorously)


if the function f is sufficiently nice.

Exercise W5.3.

Elaborate Remark 3.4.4: what precise conditions does f have to fulfil? How exactly are indefinite integral and derivative related? How should the formula read? Can we iterate this, i.e., integrate 10 times and then differentiate 10 times in order to get the original function back?

Corollary 3.4.5.

Given a continuous function f:IR and a differentiable function G:IR such that G=f. Such a G is called an anti-derivative of f. Then the indefinite integral of f with base point c is given by


Hence, all anti-derivatives of f differ only by a constant, i.e., they are of the form G+C, with some constant CR.


Exercise W5.2 ∎

Comment: So in practice, how do we compute the indefinite integral or an anti-derivative efficiently? – Well, there is no standard “protocol” or “recipe”. You have to somehow guess G and then check whether its derivative G equals f. You find the most important ones collected in tables and you will also memorise some of them over time, or you might remember tables and integration techniques like substitution etc. from MATH101/102.

Example 3.4.6.
  • (1)

    Consider the function f:, defined by f(x)=x2+23x5, which is continuous and so its indefinite integral


    with base point 1 can be defined. We know that G: defined by G(x)=13x3+19x6 is differentiable with G(x)=x2+23x5=f(x), so

  • (2)

    Consider the function f:, defined by f(x)=sin(2x), which is continuous, and so its indefinite integral F with base point c can be defined. In order to compute it explicitly we proceed as follows. We know that the function G: defined by G(x)=12cos(2x) is differentiable with G(x)=sin(2x)=f(x). Thus F(x)=G(x)-G(c)=12cos(2x)-12cos(2c).