Given a function and a point , a natural question is to ask how changes when you vary in a close neighbourhood of .
The definition of continuity expresses the idea that the value of changes little when changes little.
The definition of a derivative of expresses the idea how much (or better say, how fast) the value changes when changes; it should be described by a rate, something like a difference quotient:
The closer gets to , the more the value of the difference quotient approaches the actual rate of change in , i.e., the slope of the graph of in . Notice that we cannot have because then the denominator would be ; we must rather have very close to . What concept does this remind you of?
Let us provide a precise definition of the derivative:
Given a function on an interval and . We say is differentiable at if
and in this case the derivative of at is , sometimes also denoted by .
is said to be differentiable if it is differentiable at every . By iteration, we write for the second derivative of (if it exists), and for the -th derivative.
How would you write the above definition of differentiability in terms of and ? Remember: arrows are always a short-hand notation for a precise - criterion.
Consider the function
Then we have
This converges to as , which proves the differentiability of in , with .
Consider the function
Then at , we have
This converges to as , which proves the differentiability of in and that .
Consider the function
We know from MATH113 that this is continuous. We consider the difference quotient with sufficiently close to because eventually we are interested in the limit . (By “sufficiently close” we mean that e.g. if , so that and lie on the same side of .) Let us distinguish three cases:
Case :
In this case we may assume that as well (because we said close to ) and we get
proving differentiability in .
Case . In this case we may assume that as well and we get
proving differentiability in .
Case . In this case we must consider both and because we only know that is close . We have
Then the left-sided limit of the difference quotient is in contrast to the right-sided . Thus is not differentiable at .
The functions are differentiable. This is quite cumbersome to prove and we simply assume it henceforth. A rigorous approach will be discussed in MATH210.