Let us start with a very basic fact that however is not immediately obvious from the definition:
If is differentiable at some then is also continuous at . If is differentiable then it is continuous.
The differentiability of in implies the convergence of the difference quotient
to a number , as , and hence
so is continuous at by definition of continuity. ∎
write in terms of difference quotient and
Example 3.1.2(1) provides an example of a differentiable function. According to Proposition 3.2.1, it is therefore continuous – a fact familiar to us from previous modules. Example 3.1.2(2) instead gives us a function which is not differentiable. However, we know from MATH113 that it is continuous. This proves that the converse of Proposition 3.2.1 is not true in general, namely:
Comment: A differentiable function is always continuous. But a continuous function need not be differentiable.
Construct three substantially different functions which are continuous but not differentiable. Explain but you do not have to prove all details.
A local extremum of a function is a point such that there is and either at all (local minimum) or at all (local maximum).
Let be a continuous function which has a local extremum at some . If is differentiable at then .
Exercise A3.1. ∎
Let be differentiable at some , and let . Then:
is differentiable at with
is differentiable at with
If then is differentiable at with
Before we can prove this, we have to recall a few simple facts from MATH113:
If are continuous at some then and are continuous at .
If additionally then for in some neighbourhood of , and is defined in that neighbourhood and continuous at . More precisely, continuity of at implies that there is such that, for , we have , so on we can define and it is continuous at .
(i) Exercise X (easy).
(ii) We already know that and are differentiable at , so their difference quotients at converge to and ; continuity at implies and as . Combining these facts, we can calculate the difference quotient of :
Comment: A standard trick we have already encountered in Proposition 3.2.1: add and subtract auxiliary terms in order to split into more familiar subexpressions.
which completes the proof.
(iii) Since is continuous at and , we have that is well-defined in a neighbourhood of and continuous at ; thus in particular , as . We can now compute the difference quotient:
which concludes the proof. ∎
add and subtract auxiliary terms in difference quotients
Study differentiability of defined by.
Let us study
This is well-defined since is strictly positive on . Moreover, and are differentiable on this domain and hence the quotient rule implies that is differentiable, and the product rule in turn implies that is differentiable on this domain. We can calculate it explicitly using the formulas of the product and quotient rule, namely
In contrast, the function
is not well-defined since , so it does not make sense to speak about continuity or differentiability at all.
We would like to determine the derivative of
with , if it exists.
(1) Consider first and arbitrary. Then we have , and is differentiable with derivative equal and constant difference quotient. The product rule then implies
Suppose . Then and all its powers are strictly positive, so we can write
as . So is differentiable on with . Instead for , we find
which converges to if and diverges otherwise if . Thus is not differentiable at except when .
(2) Now let both be arbitrary and , so that ; we know from part (1) that the function is differentiable on for all and at if and only if . Then the product rule applied times together with (1) implies that is differentiable on with
It can be shown to be differentiable at if and only if , and in that case
The formula actually holds for all positive real exponents, not only the rational ones, but that is a bit more involved to show, see MATH210/215.
Let be intervals, , and and functions such that is differentiable at and is differentiable at . Then the composition is differentiable at with
Exercise X. ∎
Consider the functions
and the point . We notice that almost all assumptions of the chain rule are fulfiled except that is not differentiable at , according to Example 3.1.2(2). Thus we cannot apply the chain rule to . It is actually possible to show that is not differentiable at , in the same way as in Example 3.1.2(2): we compute the difference quotient
Since the left and right-sided limits do not coincide, is not differentiable at . Now let us look at a different point, say . Then is differentiable at and is differentiable at , with , according to the chain rule.
What about generic points? One finds that is differentiable at all points except at , multiples of .
If instead we take then , so is differentiable.
Comment: This example shows how crucial it is to verify that all assumptions of the theorem are fulfiled. Always remember the full theorem, not only the calculation formula!
Let be a rational number and
Determine for which values the function is differentiable. (Hint: split into the two cases and and use Example 3.2.8.)
Let be a strictly monotone continuous function, with inverse . If is differentiable at and then is differentiable at with
In order to prove this theorem we need a general tool:
Let be a continuous function. If is differentiable at then there is a continuous function such that
Then is continuous at by the quotient rule for continuity (Remark 3.2.6 above, or MATH113 for details) because numerator and denominator are continuous and the denominator is nonzero at and is clearly fulfiled. Furthermore, differentiability of at implies that
thus as , so is continuous at as well. Equation in this case becomes which is trivially true. ∎
Prove the following statement:
Let be strictly monotone and continuous with and write and . Then
We would like to compute the difference quotient
and show that it converges as . Let be as in Lemma 3.2.12. Then for all because is strictly monotone and by assumption. Write so that as in Exercise W4.2. Then
which is well-defined because . From Exercise W4.2 we know that if and only if . Furthermore, and are continuous, so the composition is continuous as well and so , as . This implies that
which proves the theorem. ∎
express difference quotient of as inverse of difference quotient of
Consider the function
Then is continuous and strictly monotone. Notice that if we changed the domain to e.g. then would no longer be monotone.
Let . Then is differentiable at with , which is nonzero if and only if , so let us make this additional assumption, . Then we can apply the inverse function rule to find that is differentiable at with
Consider now the case . Then
and the denominator converges to , so the fraction does not converge, so is not differentiable at . Analogously for .