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3.3 The mean-value theorem and applications

Consider the following graph:

Is there a point x0 such that the slope of the curve is the same as the red (dashed) curve connecting (a,f(a)) with (b,f(b)? It seems so, and there is in fact a general theorem about this:

Theorem 3.3.1 (Mean-value theorem).

Let f:[a,b]R be a continuous function which is differentiable on (a,b). Then there is a point x0(a,b) such that


Let us first try to “normalise” the function in order to be in a more convenient form. We define


It is continuous, and moreover differentiable on (a,b) with ϕ(a)=ϕ(b)=0. We have to show that there is x0(a,b) such that f(x0)=f(b)-f(a)b-a, which is equivalent to showing that


Now if ϕ0 then ϕ0 and any number in (a,b) may be chosen for x0. Let us therefore suppose that ϕ0. We recall from MATH113 that a continuous function on a compact interval attains its infimum and supremum. Let x0[a,b] be a point such that


if this number is positive. Otherwise, let x0 be such that


in which case ϕ(x0)<0. Notice that since ϕ0, we cannot have both supx[a,b]ϕ(x) and infx[a,b]ϕ(x) equal to 0, so ϕ(x0)0. Since ϕ(a)=ϕ(b)=0 we know that x0a,b, so x0(a,b). Then x0 satisfies the condition of a local extremum of ϕ in Definition 3.2.3 (any δ>0 does the job), namely a local maximum (or local minimum if we chose x0 as the point where ϕ attains its infimum). Therefore ϕ(x0)=0 by Proposition 3.2.4, which concludes the proof. ∎

Key idea of proof.

normalise f and then study properties of local extrema, supremum and infimum on compact intervals

Corollary 3.3.2.

Suppose f:[a,b]R is a continuous function which is differentiable on (a,b).

  • (i)

    If f(x)0 (f(x)>0), for all x(a,b), then f is increasing (strictly increasing) on [a,b].

  • (ii)

    If f(x)0 (f(x)<0), for all x(a,b), then f is decreasing (strictly decreasing) on [a,b].

  • (iii)

    If f(x)=0, for all x(a,b), then f is constant, i.e., there is λ such that f(x)=λ, for all xI.

  • (iv)

    If there is M>0 such that |f(x)|M, for all x(a,b), then |f(x2)-f(x1)|M|x2-x1|, for all x1,x2[a,b].


(i) and (ii), see Exercise A4.2.

(iii) We prove this by contraposition. Suppose f is not constant. Then there must be x1,x2I with x1<x2 and f(x1)f(x2). By the mean-value theorem there is x0I such x1<x0<x2 and f(x0)=f(x2)-f(x1)x2-x1, which is nonzero, so f0.

(iv) Given x1<x2, the mean-value theorem yields x0(x1,x2) such that


But by assumption, |f(x)|M for all x(a,b), so we get


The constant M is independent of the explicit choice of x1,x2(a,b). ∎

Exercise L.

How does property (iv) relate to uniform continuity?

Example 3.3.3.
  • (1)

    Let f:[a,b] be continuous, and differentiable on (a,b), with f(x)1 for all x(a,b). Let us show that there is at most one number x[a,b] such that f(x)=x.

    To this end, suppose there were two such numbers x1 and x2, with ax1<x2b. Then, by the mean-value theorem, there exists a point x0(x1,x2) such that


    contradicting the fact that f(x)1 for all x(a,b).

  • (2)

    Let f:[a,b] be differentiable and such that f(x)=λf(x) for all x[a,b], where λ is some constant. Let us show that f(x)=ceλx for some constant c. Let g:[a,b] be defined by g(x)=e-λxf(x). By the product rule, g is also differentiable on (a,b) with derivative


    so g(x)=c for all x, where c is a constant, by Corollary 3.3.2(iii). Hence f(x)=ceλx, for all x[a,b].

  • (3)

    Let f: be defined by f(x)=2x3-3x2-12x, which is clearly differentiable. Let us find the greatest and least values of f on [-2,4]. How many solutions are there in this interval of the equation f(x)=1? Note first that f(x)=6x2-6x-12=6(x2-x-2)=6(x+1)(x-2). Hence f has a local minimum at 2 and a local maximum at -1, and Corollary 3.3.2 shows that f is increasing on [2,) and on (-,-1], whereas f is decreasing on [-1,2]. In short:

    x -2 -1 2 4
    f(x) -4 7 -20 32

    By the intermediate-value theorem, there is a solution of f(x)=1 in the interval (-2,-1), another in (-1,2) and yet another in (2,4). In each interval there is only one solution, since f(x)0 on the open interval in question (so is strictly monotonic). Hence there are precisely three solutions in [-2,4].