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3.1 Limitpoints

Definition 3.1.1

Let x¯={xn}n=1 be a sequence. We say that y is a limitpoint of x¯ if there exists a subsequence {xnk}k=1 converging to y. We will denote the set of limitpoints by 𝐿𝐼𝑀(x¯).

Of course, if x¯={xn}n=1 is convergent then it has one single limit point.

Remark 3.1.1

The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem actually states that if x¯={xn}n=1 is BOUNDED, then 𝐿𝐼𝑀(x¯) is non-empty. Of course, if a sequence tends to infinity it has no limitpoints. In fact, a sequence of positive real numbers have at least one limit point if and only if it DOES NOT tend to infinity. (see Question 2.4.2)

Proposition 3.1.1 (Where are the limitpoints?)

Let x¯={xn}n=1 be a bounded sequence and y𝐿𝐼𝑀(x¯). Then inf(x¯)ysup(x¯).

Proof:  Recall that sup(x¯) is the the Least Upper Bound of x¯, so if z>x¯, then there is no xn such that xn>sup(x¯)+z-sup(x¯)2. Therefore z cannot be a limitpoint of x¯. Hence, any limitpoint of x¯ is less or equal than sup(x¯). Similarly, any limitpoint of x¯ is greater or equal than sup(x¯).

Proposition 3.1.2

Let x¯={xn}n=1 be a sequence of positive real numbers. Then,

  • 𝐿𝐼𝑀(x¯) is empty if and only if x¯ tends to infinity.

  • If x¯ is a bounded sequence, then 𝐿𝐼𝑀(x¯) has one element, if and only if x¯ is convergent.

Proof:  By Question 2.4.2, a sequence of positive real numbers does not tend to infinity IF AND ONLY IF it has a bounded subsequence. However, if it has a bounded subsequence, then by the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem it must have a limitpoint. Now suppose that x¯ is convergent to y. Then any subsequence of x¯ is convergent to y as well, hence x¯ has only one limitpoint. Now suppose that x¯ has one single limitpoint y, we need to show that x¯ is converging to y. If x¯ is not converging to y, then by Question 2.2.1, there exists ε>0 and a subsequence {xnk}k=1 such that for any k1, |xnk-y|ε. Then, by the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, we have a convergent subsequence of {xnk}k=1 tending to some y, so that |y-y|ε. This is in contradiction with the fact that x¯ has only one limitpoint.

Question 3.1.1

Is it possible that an unbounded sequence x¯ has exactly one limit point?

Solution: Yes. Let xn=n if n is even and xn=1n if n is odd.

Observe that the sequence {(-1)n}n=1 has two limit points: 0 and 1. Can you construct a sequence having exactly three limit points? (Yes, you can.)

Proposition 3.1.3

Let x¯={xn}n=1 be a sequence of real numbers and y¯={yn}n=1 be a convergent sequence tending to 0. Then 𝐿𝐼𝑀(x¯)=𝐿𝐼𝑀(x¯+y¯).

Proof:  By the Sum Rule, a subsequence of {xnk}k=1 converges to y if and only if {xnk+ynk}k=1 converges to y. Hence the limitpoints of x¯ and x¯+y¯ coincide.

Example 3.1.1

The limitpoints of the sequence {(-1)n+1n}n=1 are -1 and 1.

Question 3.1.2 (Not so trivial!!!)

Does there exist a sequence of real numbers having infinitely many limitpoints?

Solution: Let L be the set consisting of the numbers {1n}n=1 and 0. This is an infinite set and it is the set of limitpoints of certain sequences. A sequence {xn}n=1 can be constructed as follows. Let xn=0 if n is odd. Let xn=1l if n can be divided by 12l but n cannot be divided by 12l+1. Then, the sequence {xn}n=1 contains any number 1l infinitely many times, hence we can form constant (!) subsequences converging to 1l. Clearly, 0 is a limitpoint of a subsequence as well. If yL, then there exists an ε>0 such that the interval [y-ε,+ε] does not contain a single element of {xn}n=1 so, it cannot be a limitpoint of a subsequence of {xn}n=1. Note that there are many other examples, e.g. if you have an example you can add a sequence that converges to zero and you immediately obtain an other sequence. The number theoretical trick is cute, but any other sequence that contains all elements of the set L infinitely many times would be good.

Question 3.1.3 (It is really not trivial!!!)

Does there exist a sequence of real numbers {xn}n=1 such that ALL real numbers are limitpoints of {xn}n=1?

Solution: Yes, there are sequences like that. Remember, the set of rationals is countable. Countable means you can actually “count” or “enumerate” them, so let q1,q2,q3, be an enumeration of all the rationals. Now we repeat the trick of the previous question, we construct a sequence that contains all rational numbers infinitely many times. E.g: xn=ql if n can be divided by 12l but n cannot be divided by 12l+1. OK, it is clear that the limitpoints of this sequence contain all the rational numbers. However, ANY real number is a limitpoint of this strange sequence. Why? Let r be a real number. Then we know that there exists a sequence of rational numbers {an}n=1 converging to r. Now we pick a subsequence {xnk}k=1 such that xnk=ak. Then the subsequence will converge to r.

Remark 3.1.2

The limitpoints of the sequence {qn}N=1 above is already the set of real numbers.

Question 3.1.4 (Not really trivial, but awfully important)

Does there exist
a sequence x¯={xn}n=1 such that 𝐿𝐼𝑀(x¯)=Q?

Solution: The answer is NO. As we have seen in the solution of the previous question, one can construct a sequence x¯ such that all the rationals are limitpoints of x¯, but…. No matter how clever is our construction, 2 (and as a matter of fact any other irrational number r) will also be a limitpoint of the sequence. So, suppose that LIM(x¯)=. Let {qk}k=1 be a sequence of rational numbers converging to the irrational number r. If the sequence x¯ contains each of these qk’s infinitely often we immediately see the contradiction. However, it is possible that not a single qk is an element of our sequence. It does not matter. The point is that all the rational numbers qk are limitpoints of x¯. Thus, there exists n1>0 such that |xn1-q1|<1. Then, there exists n2>n1 such that |xn2-q2|<12. And so on, there exists n1<n2<<nk-1<nk such that |xnk-qk|<1k. By the Sum Rule, the subsequence {xnk}k=1 converges to the same guy as the sequence {qk}k=1 does, and…. this guy is just our irrational number r.

Exercise 3.1.1

Show that there exists no sequence x¯ such that 𝐿𝐼𝑀(x¯) is the set consisting of the numbers {1n}n=1.