We have already seen that if is a bounded sequence then the limitpoints of the sequence are in between the supremum and the infinum of the sequence. We actually have a much more precise picture.
Let be a bounded sequence of real numbers.
Then (the Limsup or the Limit Superior of ) is defined as the Least Upper Bound of the limitpoint set .
Similarly, (the Liminf or the Limit Inferior of ) is defined as the Largest Lower Bound of the limitpoint set .
How much is
Solution: The supremum of the sequence is of course , but somewhat surprisingly, . Indeed, the set of limitpoints of the sequence consists of one single element the zero. So the is both the limsup and the liminf of this sequence. In general, if a sequence convergent then its limsup and liminf is nothing but the limit of the sequence.
Let be a bounded sequence of real numbers. Then and .
Remember, the supremum of an infinite set is not necessarily an element of . So, the statement of the proposition is not at all trivial. Since is the Least Upper Bound of the set of limitpoints, there exists a sequence of limitpoints such that . Now we will do the same trick as in the solution of Question 3.1.4. Although the numbers are not elements of our sequence but they are limitpoints of our sequence so we can get as close to them as we want. That is, there exist numbers such that . Then by the Sum Rule, . The same goes for the liminf as well.
Let be a bounded sequence. Let . Then:
There exists a subsequence tending to .
For any there exists an such that if , then
On the other hand, if a certain real number satisfies the two conditions above, then it equals to the Limsup of the sequence.
Proof: First note that the first condition means that is a limitpoint and we just proved that the Limsup is a limitpoint. Now, if the second condition is not satisfied, then there exists a subsequence such that for any . By the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem this subsequence contains a convergent subsequence, and its limit would be strictly larger than , in contradiction with the fact that is the largest limitpoint. Finally, suppose that a certain number satisfies the two conditions. Then, is a limit point of . On the other hand, by the second condition any limitpoint of must be less or equal than . Hence is the Limsup of the sequence.
When we prove the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem from the Least Upper Bound Principle and the Largest Lower Bound Principle, we actually found the limsup and the liminf as limit points.
Let be a bounded sequence of real numbers. Then for any limitpoint of :
Let . Then , .
When we added two convergent sequences then their limits were added as well. The Limsup is a bit trickier.
Let and be bounded sequences of real numbers.
Proof: We prove only the first inequality. Let be a limitpoint of . It is enough to prove that
(3.1) |
Indeed, means that is an upper bound for the set of limitpoints of . Hence it is greater or equal than the least upper bound. The least upper bound is exactly .
is a limitpoint, so for a certain subsequence. The problem is that even if is convergent it is possible that neither nor are convergent. Yes indeed, if is any non-convergent sequence and then is the most obviously convergent (constant) sequence of the world. The simple looking Proposition 3.2.2 comes to the rescue. This proposition explains what limsup is. By this proposition, the limsup EVENTUALLY looks more and more like a supremum even it is actually an infimum. For any there exists such that if , then and . Hence, if then . Therefore
(3.2) |
OK, (3.2) is not as good as the inequality (3.1) because of the in the formula. However, (3.2) holds for ANY so it must hold for the zero as well, that is (3.1) holds.
Let if is in the form of . Let if is in the form of . Let if is in the form of . Then eventually is very close to or or . Hence, the limitpoints of are . That is, ,