Let be a bounded sequence and be a sequence converging to zero. Then the sequence is converging to the zero as well.
Proof: We need to prove that for any there exists such that if then . There exists a number such that for all , . Also, there exists some such that if , then . That is, if , then .
Calculate the limit of the sequence .
Solution: By the Quotient Rule, the Product Rule, the Subtraction Rule and the Sum Rule . Also, the sequence is clearly bounded. Hence by Proposition 2.4,
We call ALL sequences that are not bounded unbounded sequences.
is an unbounded sequence. is also an unbounded sequence.
The most important unbounded sequences are those sequences that are tending to infinity.
A sequence of positive real numbers
tending to infinity if after a while they are becoming really large.
A sequence of positive real numbers is tending to infinity if for any , there exists some such that if then .
Negate the statement: is tending to infinity.
Solution: It is not true that some statement holds for ALL . Hence, there exists some for which the statement does not hold. The statement for this is: There exists some so that if then . So, we need to negate this statement. It is not true that there exists some such that some statement is true. Hence for ALL there is some for which the statement does not hold. That is, there exists some such that . So, the negation of tending to infinity is: There exists some such that for every there exists some such that . In other words: has a bounded subsequence.
A sequence of positive real numbers tends to infinity if and only if tends to zero.
Proof: This is easy enough to be left for the reader.
If and are both tending to infinity then , are tending to infinity.
Proof: This is even easier than the previous one.
The following sequences are tending to infinity:
If (see the notation, it is completely OK) tends to infinity having only integer values and tends to infinity, then tends to infinity as well.
Show that if the sequence tends to infinity, then the sequence still tends to infinity. (we can write , but it is not a good idea to write )
Solution: For every there exists some such that if then . Hence if then , proving that tends to infinity.
Let be a sequence of positive numbers tending to infinity. Let be a sequence of positive numbers tending to . Then .
Solution: Fix and let be such a number that if then , also . Then if . Hence .
Suppose that the sequences of positive numbers and tend to infinity. Then we say that beats if still tends to infinity.
The following proposition is still very easy.
The following rules apply:
If beats and beats , then beats .
If tends to infinity and beats , then beats .
If tends to infinity then for any , beats consequently, beats .
For every and , beats but beats for every single .
Proof: First recall that binomial formula:
Since all the terms are positive, for any ,
Thus the lemma follows from Question 2.4.4 (and our usual quotient and sum rules). Consequently, .
Now let us prove that beats for any .
where denotes the integer part function. So for large enough , .
Is there a sequence that beats and and and so…?
Solution: For any , let be a sequence tending to infinity. Then there exists a sequence that beats all of them. We define as the maximum of the numbers times . Clearly, the sequence will beat any since if then .