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2.4 Bounded and unbounded sequences

Proposition 2.4.1

Let {xn}n=1 be a bounded sequence and {yn}n=1 be a sequence converging to zero. Then the sequence {xnyn}n=1 is converging to the zero as well.

Proof:  We need to prove that for any ε>0 there exists N>0 such that if nN then |xnyn|ε. There exists a number M>0 such that for all n1, |xn|M. Also, there exists some N0 such that if nN, then |yn|εM. That is, if nN, then |xnyn|ε.

Question 2.4.1

Calculate the limit of the sequence {(1-1(1+1n2))sin(n)}n=1.

Solution: By the Quotient Rule, the Product Rule, the Subtraction Rule and the Sum Rule limn1-1(1+1n2)=0.. Also, the sequence {sin(n)}n=1 is clearly bounded. Hence by Proposition 2.4, limn(1-1(1+1n2))sin(n)=0.

We call ALL sequences that are not bounded unbounded sequences.

Example 2.4.1

{n9}n=1 is an unbounded sequence. 0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,. is also an unbounded sequence.

The most important unbounded sequences are those sequences that are tending to infinity.

Definition 2.4.1 (Plain English Definition)

A sequence of positive real numbers
{xn}n=1 are tending to infinity if after a while they are becoming really large.

Definition 2.4.2 (More Mathematical Definition)

A sequence of positive real numbers {xn}n=1 is tending to infinity if for any K>0, there exists some N>0 such that if nN then xn>K.

Question 2.4.2

Negate the statement: {xn}n=1 is tending to infinity.

Solution: It is not true that some statement holds for ALL K>0. Hence, there exists some K>0 for which the statement does not hold. The statement for this K is: There exists some N>0 so that if nN then xn>K. So, we need to negate this statement. It is not true that there exists some N>0 such that some statement is true. Hence for ALL N>0 there is some nN for which the statement does not hold. That is, there exists some nN such that xnK. So, the negation of tending to infinity is: There exists some K such that for every N there exists some nN such that xnK. In other words: {xn}n=1 has a bounded subsequence.

Proposition 2.4.2

A sequence of positive real numbers {xn}n=1 tends to infinity if and only if {1xn}n=1 tends to zero.

Proof:  This is easy enough to be left for the reader.

Proposition 2.4.3

If {xn}n=1 and {yn}n=1 are both tending to infinity then {xnyn}n=1, {xn+yn}n=1 are tending to infinity.

Proof:  This is even easier than the previous one.

Example 2.4.2

The following sequences are tending to infinity:

  • {n10}n=1

  • {log(n)}n=1

  • {2n}n=1

  • {n!}n=1

  • If {f(n)}n=1 (see the notation, it is completely OK) tends to infinity having only integer values and {xn}n=1 tends to infinity, then {xf(n)}n=1 tends to infinity as well.

Question 2.4.3

Show that if the sequence {xn}n=1 tends to infinity, then the sequence {xn}n=1 still tends to infinity. (we can write xn, but it is not a good idea to write limnxn=.)

Solution: For every K>0 there exists some N such that if nN then xnK2. Hence if nN then xnK, proving that {xn}n=1 tends to infinity.

Question 2.4.4

Let {xn}n=1 be a sequence of positive numbers tending to infinity. Let {yn}n=1 be a sequence of positive numbers tending to C>0. Then xnyn.

Solution: Fix K>0 and let N>0 be such a number that if nN then xn>2KC, also ynC2. Then if nN xnyn>K. Hence xnyn.

Definition 2.4.3

Suppose that the sequences of positive numbers {xn}n=1 and {yn}n=1 tend to infinity. Then we say that {xn}n=1 beats {yn}n=1 if {xnyn}n=1 still tends to infinity.

The following proposition is still very easy.

Proposition 2.4.4 (The Race of Sequences)

The following rules apply:

  • If {xn}n=1 beats {yn}n=1 and {yn}n=1 beats {zn}n=1, then {xn}n=1 beats {zn}n=1.

  • If {xn}n=1 tends to infinity and {yn}n=1 beats {zn}n=1, then {xn+yn}n=1 beats {zn}n=1.

  • If {xn}n=1 tends to infinity then for any k>0, {xnk}n=1 beats {xn}n=1 consequently, {xn}n=1 beats {(xn)1/k}n=1.

Proposition 2.4.5

For every k>0 and ε>0, {(1+ε)n}n=1 beats {nk}n=1 but {n!}n=1 beats {Kn}n=1 for every single K>0.

Proof:  First recall that binomial formula:


Since all the terms are positive, for any 0kn, (1+ε)n(nk)εk.

Lemma 2.4.1




Thus the lemma follows from Question 2.4.4 (and our usual quotient and sum rules). Consequently, (1+ε)nnk.

Now let us prove that n! beats Kn for any K>0.


where [] denotes the integer part function. So for large enough n, n!>Kn.

Question 2.4.5

Is there a sequence that beats n! and (n!)! and ((n!)!)! and so…?

Solution: For any i1, let x¯i={xni}n=1 be a sequence tending to infinity. Then there exists a sequence y¯={yn}n=1 that beats all of them. We define yn as the maximum of the numbers {xn1,xn2,,xnn} times n. Clearly, the sequence {yn}n=1 will beat any x¯i since if in then ynxnin.