The Least Upper Bound Principle is a kind of a first principle in the theory of real analyis, so it deserves its own section. You surely understand the “principle” part, but the notion of “upper bound” needs to be explained. If is a set of real numbers, then is an upper bound of , if for any . (similarly, is a lower bound of if for any , .) E.g. if a sequence is bounded by the real positive number , then is an upper bound of the sequence and is a lower bound of the sequence. The sequence has a lower bound (say or ) but has no upper bound. On the other hand, the sequence has an upper bound and has no lower bound. The following definition is more English than Math.
If is a set of real numbers, then is the minimal element of if for any , . Similarly, is the maximal element of if for any , .
Of course, the minimal element of a set is a lower bound and clearly the best possible lower bound of a set. This means that if a set has no lower bound than it has no minimal element.
Why is it not possible that a certain set has more than one minimal elements?
Note that there are sets having lower bound without having a minimal element. Say, the set of positive real numbers. is a lower bound of this set, but the zero is not IN the set. Obviously there is no such thing as the smallest positive number, since for any , . However, we have the following theorem.
you have a set that has an upper bound, then there is a special guy that is greater or equal than
all the elements of , but if is just a tad bit smaller than , then some elements of will be
greater than .
If a non-empty set has an upper bound then the set has a least upper bound. That is, the set of all upper bounds of has a minimal element. Clearly, there can be only one such element. It is the only upper bound that is a limit point of a sequence from .
Proof: Let be our set having upper bound.
Suppose that is an upper bound of . Then either is the least upper bound of or for any there is an upper bound of , , so that for some , .
Proof: Suppose that is not the least upper bound of . Take the sequence . Clearly, it is not possible that all of these ’s are upper bounds(this is obvious, but it is formally follows from the Law of Archimedes!!). Let be the largest integer such that is still an upper bound and set . Obviously, is an upper bound and there is an element of in between and .
By the lemma above, we have a sequence of upper bounds of such that
There exists such that .
Indeed, for some upper bound pick using the Lemma. This will be . Then, using the lemma again we pick (using as the” ”) and so on we construct the sequence . In the Non-Mathematical World this is the algorithm the get close to a wall in a dark room. You face the wall and makes a step of meter long. You make another step and another step. If you hit the wall, then you step back to the last position. Then you make steps -meter long and so on. Clearly, is a Cauchy-sequence and for its limit , for any . Observe that is a least upper bound for !! First, it is really an upper bound, since if for some then for some that is impossible. Also, there cannot be a smaller upper bound than . Indeed, is again a Cauchy-sequence by the Sum Rule having as its limit.
Note that there are two possibilites.
Either the least upper bound is in itself. Example: , where is the least upper bound.
Or is not in , but there is a convergent sequence in converging to . Example: , where is still the least upper bound.
Observe that the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem can be viewed as a trivial consequence of the Least Upper Bound Principle. If you have a bounded sequence then it has a smaller upper bound and this number is surely a limit of a subsequence of (yes, the guys will form the subsequence). We can also use the Least Upper Bound Principle to introduce the notion of “supremum”.
Let be a set of real numbers having an upper bound. Then the least upper bound of is called the supremum of . If is in the set , then we call the maximum of .
A bounded set always have a supremum, but sometimes it has no maximum. Finite sets of course, always has a maximum, the greatest number of the set. Similarly, one can define the Largest Lower Bound of a set.
If a non-empty set has a lower bound then the set has a largest lower bound. That is, the set of all lower bounds of has a largest element. Clearly, there can be only one such element.
Proof: The set of lower bounds has an upper bound (the elements of the set !!). So the lower bounds have a supremum. Clearly, this supremum is the largest lower bound. Alternatively, let be the Least Upper Bound of the set ( if and only if ). Then is the Largest Lower Bound of the set .
Let be a set of real numbers having a lower bound. Then the largest lower bound of is called the infinum of . If is in the set , then we call the minimum of .
You can prove the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem from the Largest Lower Bound Principle as well. It is interesting to see that if the bounded sequence is not convergent. Then the two convergent subsequences obtained by the two principles are converging to different limits!
Let if is even and let if is odd. So, we have the bounded sequence . Then the Least Upper Bound Principle gives us the subsequence converging to and the Largest Lower Bound Principle gives us the subsequence converging to .
(The Thing You Should Always Remember About The Least Upper Bound Stuff) The whole point of introducing infinite decimals was to have a number system with the Least Upper Bound Principle. Let be an arbitrary real number. Let be the set of rational numbers that are smaller than . It is important to see that is the least upper bound of . Clearly, is an upper bound for and if , then there exists such that so is not an upper bound for .