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2.5 Increasing and decreasing sequences

Definition 2.5.1

A sequence {xn}n=1 is increasing if for any n1 xnxn+1. The sequence is decreasing if for any n1 xnxn+1.

Example 2.5.1

The following examples are crucial:

  • The sequence 1,2,3,4 is an increasing sequence.

  • The constant sequence 1,1,1,1,1, is still an increasing sequence.

  • {xn=nn+1}n=1 is an increasing sequence.

  • Let {yn}n=1 be a non-negative sequence of real numbers. Then y1,y1+y2,y1+y2+y3, is an increasing sequence.

  • If the sequence {xn}n=1 is increasing, then the sequence {-xn}n=1 is decreasing.

Theorem 2.5.1

Every bounded increasing (decreasing) sequence {xn}n=1 is convergent.

Proof:  Let y be the least upper bound of the sequence {xn}n=1. We know that for any ε>0 there exists xnε so that y-xnε<ε. Therefore, xny, since for any ε>0 if n>nε, then |y-xn|<ε.

The following theorem is somewhat stronger than the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, so by proving it we will obtain yet another proof of the BWT.

Theorem 2.5.2

Let {xn}n=1 be a convergent sequence, then it contains either a decreasing or an increasing subsequence.

Proof:  The proof goes like a computer program. Let y1 be the least upper bound (supremum) of the sequence {xn}n=1. If y1 is not a maximum, so y1>xn for all n1, then we must have a sequence xm1<xm2< increasing sequence and we can STOP the proof. If y1=xn1, then we consider the sequence xn1,xn1+1,xn1+2,. Let y2 be the supremum of this sequence. If y2 is not a maximum, we can again STOP the proof. If it is a maximum we can GO TO the next step, y2=xn2,y1y2 and consider the sequence xn2,xn2+1,xn2+2,. This program either stops, that is find an increasing sequence, or it never stops and finds the decreasing sequence y1y2y3.

Example 2.5.2

It is possible that a convergent sequence contains both increasing and decreasing subsequences. 0,2,1/2,3/2,3/4,4/3,4/5,5/4, will converge to 1. The subsequence 0,1/2,2/3,3/4,4/5, is increasing, the subsequence 2,3/2,4/3,5/4, is decreasing.