Real numbers are just the decimals.
In most of the real analysis books, the real numbers are defined a more complicated way.
Real numbers are the equivalence classes of rational Cauchy-sequences. Two Cauchy-sequences and are equivalent if , .
First of all, we should realize that for each Cauchy-sequence we have already associated its “limitvalue” decimal and Lemma 1.2.1 states that for two Cauchy-sequences we associate the same “limitvalue” if and only if they are equivalent. So, the second definition is not so scary anymore. We will not even use the second definition, only as a guiding light. You will see that it is not a bad guiding light. Just for fun, let us show that is an equivalence relation (we recall the definition from MATH111).
. That is, . Well, this is obvious.
If then . That is, if , then . The two sequences are the same…
If and then . That is, if and then . This is also obvious.
Of course the equivalence classes are formed by the guys whose “limitvalue”’s are the same.
Having an equivalence relation on a set is just a fancy way to say that we partition the sets into families. The families are called equivalence classes.
If are both real numbers, then and .
Proof: By definition, is the limitvalue of . Also, it is the limitvalue of . Hence the proposition follows from Lemma 1.2.1.
One can actually collect all the algebraic laws of real numbers. They are called the “field axioms”. You learned all of them in high school (without proof).
(Commutativity) and .
(Associativity) and .
(Distributivity) = .
(Zero Rule) .
(Unity) .
(Subtraction) The equation has a unique solution .
Similarly, the equation has a unique solution .
(Division) If , then the equation has a unique solution
Let us show how to prove the Distributivity Law.
If and are real numbers, then .
Proof: The statement clearly holds for rational numbers. The point is that we can transfer the proofs for the reals using Cauchy-sequences. We need to prove that the two Cauchy-sequences and are equivalent (well they are exactly the same).
It is not magic. One can explain all these things using just the digits of the decimals, only it will take much more time. In Section 1.1, we defined an ordering of the rationals. We can compare real numbers the following way.
Let and such that they are not representing the same real number. Then if for some ,
Note that this is exactly the way you learn to compare decimals in high school. The following lemma is trivial.
For any positive real number , .
Also, it is clear that if and are rational numbers and according to this definition, then is larger than according to the definition in Section 1.1. Using Cauchy-sequences again, we can prove the following laws for real numbers (you learned all of them in high school).
(Trichotomy) Either or .
(Addition Law) if and only if .
(Multiplication Law) If , then if and only if . If
, then if and only if .
(Transitivity) If and , then .
Yes, the triangle inequality also holds for real numbers:
Of course, if and if
Exponentiation Rules If and , then is a well-defined real number satisfying the following rules.
(exactly -times)
, then is the number for which .
If , and , then .
(hopefully, at the end of the course you will completely convince yourself that the exponentiation is well-defined, using only simple principles, nothing complicated)
We end the chapter with a little theorem.
For any real number there exists some such that .
Proof: By Lemma 1.3.1, there exists a rational number and an integer such that if then . Hence,