Home page for accesible maths 1 Real Numbers

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1.1 The rationals and the decimals

You learned about the rational numbers in high school. Rational numbers are nothing but fractions mn, where m and n are integers. We should be a bit cautious, though… A rational number can be represented by a lot of fractions: 610=915=35=-3-5. We say that the rational number q=mn is in its lowest terms if m and n have no common factor.

Exercise 1.1.1

Any rational number has a representation in its lowest terms.

So far, so good. We can add up two rational numbers:

Nitpicking 1.1.1

Are you sure that addition does not depend on the choice of the fractions that represent the rational numbers?

We can even multiply two rationals numbers


and even divide a rational number by a non-zero rational number:


What else we can do with rational numbers? We can compare (or, in other word: order) them. Say, we have two positive rational numbers ab and cd (a,b,c,d>0), then ab<cd if ad<bc, ab>cd if ad>bc (do not forget that ab=cd if ad=bc).

Exercise 1.1.2

Any rational number q can be written as a fraction cn!, where c,n are integers.

Exercise 1.1.3

In between two different rational numbers, there exist infinitely many rational numbers! (mn is in between ab and cd if ab<mn<cd.

Exercise 1.1.4 (You learned it before)

There are countably infinite rational numbers.

Exercise 1.1.5 (You also learned it before, hopefully)

There is no rational number q such that q2=2.

Proof:  Let us suppose that q2=2, q=ab, where q is in its lowest terms. Then


If a is odd, then we get a contradiction immediately, since a2 is odd and 2b2 is even. If a is even, then a2 can be divided by 4. On the other hand, b must be odd, since q is in its lowest terms. So, a22b2.

You also learned about the decimals. Decimals are in the form of x=x0.x1x2x3, where x0 is an integer number and all the xk’s are digits in between 0 and 9. We will call x0 the integer part of the decimal x and we will call xk the k-th digit (note that in number theory, they call x0-1 the integer part of a negative x).

Are the real numbers just the decimals?

Basically, yes. Clearly, there is nothing special in the number 10, there are many ways to define the real numbers, even without referring to any kind of digit sequences. On the other hand, choosing the decimals to represent the real numbers seems to be a good idea. Finite decimals were first used in the XVI-th century by Vieta and Stevin, the infinite decimals were introduced by Newton. On the other hand, it was known by the ancient Greeks that the length of the diagonal of the unit square (that is 2) cannot be expressed by the ratio of two integers.

You learned long division in school. If I give you a rational number, say, 27, you give me a decimal. This is called the decimal expression of the rational number.

Proposition 1.1.1

The decimal expression of a rational number is always periodic. Also, if a decimal is periodic, then it is always the decimal expression of a rational number.

Proof:  When we make a step of the long division to calculate ab we always get a remainder that is an integer in between 0 and a. The next digit we calculate depends only on this remainder. Eventually, we will get a remainder that occured before. From this moment the digits must repeat forever. On the other hand, if we have a decimal expression like x0.x1x2xry1y2ys¯, where x0 is an integer number, then clearly A=x0.x1x2xr and B=0.y1y2ys are rational numbers. It is easy to check that the decimal expression of the rational number A+B10r10s10s-1 is exactly x0.x1x2xry1y2ys¯.

If we use the proposition to write 1.9¯ as a rational number, we get something interesting.


We need to make a convention: The decimal expressions x0.x1x2xr9¯ and x0.x1x2y, where xr9 and y=xr+1 represent the SAME rational number. So



Definition 1.1.1

Real numbers are represented by the decimals. The real numbers in the form a10, where a is an integer are represented by two decimals (let us call them “bad” decimals), that we consider the same as real numbers. All other real numbers are represented by a single decimal.

We end this section with a crucial definition.

Definition 1.1.2 (Plain English Version)

If the sequence of rational numbers {qn}n=1 are getting closer and closer to a rational number q, then we say that {qn}n=1 converges to q.

We need to write the previous definition in a well, more mathematical form. What “closer and closer” means in English? It means that “eventually” the numbers will be as close as we wish. Suppose that we wish for being not further than 10-100. The word “eventually” means that if n is large enough, then |qn-q|10-100. It does not mean that |q100-q|10-100, it only means that “after a while” |qn-q|10-100. So, there exists some number N>0 such that |qn-q|10-100 provided that nN. The slight problem is that for different wishes, we might need different N. Imagine that the same N would be good for all wishes. Then, not only |qn-q|10-1000 if nN, but |qn-q|10-1000000 and even


That is, all the qn’s must be equal to q, and that is too much to ask for. So, we need a trickier definition.

Definition 1.1.3 (More Mathematical Version)

A sequence of rational numbers
{qn}n=1 converges to the rational number q, qnq, if for any ε>0 there exists N>0 such that |qn-q|ε provided that nN.

Example 1.1.1

{1n}n=10. Indeed, for any ε, if N>1ε, |1n-0|<ε provided that nN.