Let be a decimal. Then we call the rational number the -truncation of and denote it by . Clearly, the numbers are getting closer and closer to each other: if then . The following definition is due to Baron Augustin-Louis Cauchy, son of Louis-Francois Cauchy, who were quite obviously French people. Cauchy wrote the first rigorous book on mathematical analysis, titled “Cours d’Analyse”.
A sequence of rational numbers is a Cauchy-sequence if they are getting closer and closer to each other.
Again, we need to translate from Plain English to a More Mathematical form. We wish that if both and are large, then and are closer to each other than a certain number. So, similarly to the definition of convergence, we can come up with the following definition.
A sequence of rational
numbers is a Cauchy-sequence
if for all there exists such that provided that .
So in particular, if then as we saw above, is a Cauchy-sequence. Suppose that two lions are very close to a tiger. What we know about the lions? OK, they might not be as close to each other as to the tiger, but they must be pretty close to each other. This kindergarten style observation leads to the following proposition.
A sequence
of rational numbers that is
converging to a rational number is a Cauchy-sequence.
Proof: We need to “mathematize” the lions vs. tiger idea. Let be a rational number. By the definition of convergence, there exists such that if then That is a classical trick in math. You need to prove something for and you prepare for it by proving something for , in order to have greater leverage. Hence, if , then and ( are the lions, and is the tiger). Remember that for all rational numbers and . So, if , , then
A Cauchy-sequence of rational numbers is bounded, that is there exists some integer such that for any , .
Proof: By definition, there exists such that if . Let be the maximum of the numbers . Then for any , .
As we remarked earlier, it is not so easy to add, subtract or multiply decimals. On the other hand, it is very easy to add, subtract or multiply Cauchy-sequences.
Let and be Cauchy-sequences. Then, , and are all Cauchy-sequences.
Proof: By Proposition 1.2.2, there exists an such that for any . Let . Fix an integer such that if , then and . Then . Therefore is a Cauchy-sequence (the other parts are easier and will be given as workshop exercises).
For a decimal , is a Cauchy-sequence. For the converse, we have the following proposition.
Let be a Cauchy-sequence of rational numbers. Then there exists a decimal , the “limitvalue” of , such that , where . This “limitvalue” is unique (except if it is a “bad” decimal ,then both forms are taken as limit values).
Proof: We have two cases.
Case 1: For every , “after a while” all ’s start with the same sequence . That is, there exists some number (the lower index suggests that this number depends on ) such that if , then the first digits of and are the same.
Then we immediately obtain the decimal we are looking for.
Case 2: For some , there are two different starting sequences that we see infinitely often as .
So, we have pairs such that , nevertheless starts with and starts with . But this could happen only if and . This implies that actually, . Therefore the decimal (and ) satisfies the condition of our proposition.
The decimal is the limitvalue of the Cauchy-sequence . It is a Case 1. example.
. It is a Case 2. example.
The Cauchy-sequences and have the same limitvalue if and only if .
Proof: If and have the same limitvalue then there exists an such that both and . Hence, for any , there exists an , such that if then and . Hence, if , then . That is, . Now suppose that and . Then, we can see as above that .
Now, we finally show how to add, subtract and multiply decimals.
Let and are decimals. Then is defined as the “limitvalue” of the Cauchy-sequence . Similarly, is defined as the “limitvalue” of the Cauchy-sequence and is defined as the “limitvalue” of the Cauchy-sequence .
So, now we can square the . We take the Cauchy-sequence
, , , ,
, , …..
By Proposition 4.5.2, the digits will stabilize to a decimal, and this decimal will be the square of .