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E.2 Workshop exercises from week 2

Exercise 2.1.

(i) q=4q=4 and r=10r=10; (ii) q=-4q=-4 and r=5r=5;
(iii) q=7q=7 and r=0r=0; (iv) q=0q=0 and r=9r=9.

Exercise 2.2.

  1. (i)

    90=66+246=24-1866=224+18=24-(66-224)24=18+6=324-6618=36+0=3(90-66)-66=390-466.\begin{array}[]{rlrl}90&\!\!\!=66+24&6=&24-18\\ 66&\!\!\!=2\cdot 24+18&=&24-(66-2\cdot 24)\\ 24&\!\!\!=18+6&=&3\cdot 24-66\\ 18&\!\!\!=3\cdot 6+0&=&3(90-66)-66\\ &&=&3\cdot 90-4\cdot 66.\end{array}

    Thus hcf(90,66)=6=390-466\mathrm{hcf}(90,66)=6=3\cdot 90-4\cdot 66.

  2. (ii)

    Proposition 4.4.2 states that an integer nn can be written as an integral linear combination of 9090 and 6666 if and only if hcf(90,66)\mathrm{hcf}(90,66) is a factor of nn. Since hcf(90,66)=6\mathrm{hcf}(90,66)=6 and 6|546|54 and 6| 566\!\!\!\!\;\not\!\!\!\;|\!\;56, we conclude that 5454 can be written as an integral linear combination of 9090 and 6666, whereas 5656 cannot. We have

    54=96=9(390-466)=2790-3666.54=9\cdot 6=9(3\cdot 90-4\cdot 66)=27\cdot 90-36\cdot 66.

Exercise 2.4.

  1. (i)

    Suppose that mm and nn are both even, so that m=2am=2a and n=2bn=2b for some integers aa and bb; then m2+n2=(2a)2+(2b)2=4a2+4b2=2(2a2+2b2)m^{2}+n^{2}=(2a)^{2}+(2b)^{2}=4a^{2}+4b^{2}=2(2a^{2}+2b^{2}), so m2+n2m^{2}+n^{2} is even.

  2. (ii)

    The contrapositive of the statement ‘‘(mnmn is even) \Rightarrow (mm or nn is even)’’ is ‘‘(mm and nn are odd) \Rightarrow (mnmn is odd)’’ which is true. Indeed, let m=2a+1m=2a+1 and n=2b+1n=2b+1 for some integers aa and bb; then mn=2(2ab+a+b)+1mn=2(2ab+a+b)+1 is odd.
    Alternatively, this can be proved by separate consideration of cases.

Exercise 2.5. Suppose that c|abc|ab. Then there exists qq\in{\mathbb{Z}} such that ab=qcab=qc. Theorem 4.2.17 implies that hcf(a,c)=ra+sc\mathrm{hcf}(a,c)=ra+sc for some r,sr,s\in{\mathbb{Z}}, and hence we have

hcf(a,c)b=(ra+sc)b=rab+scb=rqc+sbc=(rq+sb)c,\mathrm{hcf}(a,c)\cdot b=(ra+sc)b=rab+scb=rqc+sbc=(rq+sb)c,

so that c|hcf(a,c)bc|\mathrm{hcf}(a,c)\cdot b.

Exercise 2.6. Assume that the result is false; that is, there exists a real number xx such that 2+x\sqrt{2}+x and 2-x\sqrt{2}-x are both rational. Then 22=(2+x)+(2-x)2\sqrt{2}=(\sqrt{2}+x)+(\sqrt{2}-x) is the sum of two rational numbers, hence is rational, and therefore 2=12(22)\sqrt{2}=\frac{1}{2}(2\sqrt{2}) is also rational. This, however, contradicts Example 3.4.2, so one of 2+x\sqrt{2}+x and 2-x\sqrt{2}-x is irrational.

Exercise 2.7.

  1. (i)

    The set of factors of 3636 is

    S={±1,±2,±3,±4,±6,±9,±12±18,±36},S=\{\pm 1,\pm 2,\pm 3,\pm 4,\pm 6,\pm 9,\pm 12\pm 18,\pm 36\},

    while the set of factors of 4848 is

    T={±1,±2,±3,±4,±6,±8,±12,±16,±24,±48}.T=\{\pm 1,\pm 2,\pm 3,\pm 4,\pm 6,\pm 8,\pm 12,\pm 16,\pm 24,\pm 48\}.
  2. (ii)

    By (i), the set of common factors of 3636 and 4848 is

    ST={±1,±2,±3,±4,±6,±12},S\cap T=\{\pm 1,\pm 2,\pm 3,\pm 4,\pm 6,\pm 12\},

    and thus hcf(36,48)=12\mathrm{hcf}(36,48)=12.

  3. (iii)

    We have 12|(-28)12\!\!\!\!\;\not\!\!\!\;|\!\;(-28), 12|(-24)12|(-24), 12|27612|276 and 12| 28412\!\!\!\!\;\not\!\!\!\;|\!\;284, so Proposition 4.4.2 implies that -24-24 and 276276 can be written as integral linear combinations of 3636 and 4848, whereas -28-28 and 284284 cannot.

Exercise 2.8.

266=1190+7638=190-276190=276+38=190-2(266-190)76=238+0=3190-2266.\begin{array}[]{rlrl}266&\!\!\!=1\cdot 190+76&38=&190-2\cdot 76\\ 190&\!\!\!=2\cdot 76+38&=&190-2(266-190)\\ 76&\!\!\!=2\cdot 38+0&=&3\cdot 190-2\cdot 266.\end{array}

Thus hcf(190,266)=38=3190-2266\mathrm{hcf}(190,266)=38=3\cdot 190-2\cdot 266.

Exercise 2.9. If at least one of mm and nn is even, then m2nm^{2}n and mn2mn^{2} are both even by Example 3.2.4, and so m2n+mn2m^{2}n+mn^{2} is even as well. Otherwise mm and nn are both odd; then m2nm^{2}n and mn2mn^{2} are both odd, and so m2n+mn2m^{2}n+mn^{2} is even.

Exercise 2.10. Statement (i) is true: for each mm\in\mathbb{Z}, we can find nn\in\mathbb{Z} such that m-n=5m-n=5; simply take n=m-5n=m-5.

On the other hand, statement (ii) is false: there is no mm\in\mathbb{Z} that will work for all nn\in\mathbb{Z}; indeed, if mm were an integer such that m-n=5m-n=5 for all nn\in\mathbb{Z}, then in particular by taking n=mn=m, we would get 5=m-n=m-m=05=m-n=m-m=0 which is clearly absurd. Hence the statement is false.

Exercise 2.12. By Theorem 4.2.17 we can find p,q,r,sp,q,r,s\in\mathbb{Z} such that pa+qc=1pa+qc=1 and rb+sc=1rb+sc=1. Then


and so hcf(ab,c)=1\mathrm{hcf}(ab,c)=1 by Corollary 4.2.19.

Exercise 2.13. Suppose that hcf(a,b)=1\mathrm{hcf}(a,b)=1 and c|ac|a. Then there are r,s,tr,s,t\in{\mathbb{Z}} such that ra+sb=1ra+sb=1 (by Theorem 4.2.17) and a=tca=tc. Thus we have


so Corollary 4.2.19 implies that hcf(c,b)=1\mathrm{hcf}(c,b)=1.

Exercise 2.14. The set of factors of 7272 is

S={±1,±2,±3,±4,±6,±8,±9,±12,±18,±24,±36,±72}.S=\{\pm 1,\pm 2,\pm 3,\pm 4,\pm 6,\pm 8,\pm 9,\pm 12,\pm 18,\pm 24,\pm 36,\pm 7% 2\}.

The set of factors of 175175 is

T={±1,±5,±7,±25,±35,±175}.T=\{\pm 1,\pm 5,\pm 7,\pm 25,\pm 35,\pm 175\}.

Thus the set of common factors of 7272 and 175175 is ST={±1}S\cap T=\{\pm 1\}, and hcf(72,175)=1\mathrm{hcf}(72,175)=1.

Exercise 2.15.\Leftarrow. Suppose that mm and nn are both even. Then m2m^{2}, mnmn and n2n^{2} are all even by Example 3.2.4, and therefore m2+mn+n2m^{2}+mn+n^{2} is also even.

\Rightarrow. We prove this implication by contraposition. The contrapositive of the statement ‘‘(m2+mn+n2m^{2}+mn+n^{2} is even) \Rightarrow (mm and nn are even)’’ is ‘‘(mm or nn is odd) \Rightarrow (m2+mn+n2m^{2}+mn+n^{2} is odd)’’. We consider the possible cases for mm and nn:

  • If mm is odd and nn is even, then m2m^{2} is odd whereas mnmn and n2n^{2} are even, so m2+mn+n2m^{2}+mn+n^{2} is odd.

  • Similarly, if mm is even and nn is odd, then m2+mn+n2m^{2}+mn+n^{2} is odd.

  • Finally, if mm and nn are both odd, then m2,mnm^{2},mn and n2n^{2} are all odd, so m2+mn+n2m^{2}+mn+n^{2} is odd.

Thus m2+mn+n2m^{2}+mn+n^{2} is odd in all three cases.

The following parity table summarizes this argument.

mm nn m2m^{2} mnmn n2n^{2} m2+mn+n2m^{2}+mn+n^{2}