Home page for accesible maths 5 Spectral decomposition

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Exercise 5.25:
  1. A:=[3113]

  2. B:=[4-2-27]

  3. C:=[010100002]

  4. D:=[10001-30-39]

  5. E:=[13131001010]

  6. F:=[2-1-1-121-114]

  7. G:=[2-26-2-3-46-41]

For each of these matrices:

  1. i.

    Find its leading principal minors.

  2. ii.

    Determine whether it’s positive definite, positive semi-definite, both, or neither.

  3. iii.

    Find the spectral decomposition. [Hint: An eigenvalue of F is 1, and of G is 9.]

  4. iv.

    Find a matrix square root.

Exercise 5.26:

Let A be a real symmetric matrix, and let x,y be eigenvectors for eigenvalues λ,μ of A, respectively. Prove that λx,y=μx,y, using the standard inner product. Hence deduce that if λμ then x and y are orthogonal to each other.

Exercise 5.27:

Find a symmetric matrix in M2() which has no eigenvalues in .

Exercise 5.28:

Write down a non-zero matrix of a symmetric bilinear form, whose entries are all non-negative, but which is not positive semi-definite.

Exercise 5.29:

Prove that every 2×2 real orthogonal matrix is either a rotation or a reflection. In other words, prove that if AM2() and ATA=I2 then either



Exercise 5.30 (Cayley’s formula):

Let SMn(F) be a skew-symmetric matrix over a field F; assume that S-In is invertible. Define


Prove that P is an orthogonal matrix; i.e. prove that PTP=In.

Exercise 5.31:

A student is asked to prove that a real symmetric matrix has only real eigenvalues. His proof goes as follows:

[Student box]

By the fundamental theorem of algebra, the characteristic polynomial cA has complex roots; in other words, there is a complex number λ such that cA(λ)=0. Then we can choose an eigenvector xn with eigenvalue λ. Then Ax=λx, and since A is real, when we conjugate both sides: Ax¯=λ¯x¯. Therefore


Therefore λ=λ¯, so λ.

[End of Student box]

This solution would not get full marks. What are the problems with this solution, and how could they be fixed?

Learning objectives for Chapter 5:

Pass Level: You should be able to…

  • Determine whether or not a given matrix is orthogonal (e.g. Exercise 5.2).

  • Test whether or not a real symmetric matrix is positive definite, or positive semi-definite (e.g. Exercise 5.25(ii)).

  • Compute the spectral decomposition PDPT of a real symmetric matrix (e.g. Exercise 5.25(iii)).

  • Use a spectral decomposition to find a matrix square root of a real symmetric matrix (e.g. Exercise 5.25(iv)).

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, at least 50% of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.

First class level: You should be able to…

  • Write a complete solution, without referring to any notes, to at least 80% of the exercises in this Chapter, and in particular the proof questions.

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, all of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.