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5.C Matrix square roots

In this section we will discuss a way of defining a “square root” of a matrix. Recall that a square root of a number a (or more generally, we could take aF any field) is another number b such that b2=a. As you know, if a then its square roots are only real when a0, and even then they are not unique. Nevertheless we have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.18.

If aR is a non-negative number (which means a0), then a has a unique non-negative square root.

In this section, we will generalize the above theorem to matrices, where we replace “non-negative number” with “postive semi-definite matrix”. There are several competing ways to generalize the concept of a “square root” to matrices, but in this module we will only focus on the following one.

Definition 5.19:

Given a matrix AMn(), the matrix square root of A is a matrix BMn() such that


The following exercise shows that matrix square roots don’t always exist:

Exercise 5.20:

Prove that there is no matrix BM2() such that B2=[0100].

[End of Exercise]

Below we will see the following analogy: Postive real numbers are to positive definite matrices, as non-negative real numbers are to positive semi-definite matrices. A matrix A is positive semi-definite if:


for any non-zero vector 0xn.

So positive definite matrices are also positive semi-definite. This concept occurs naturally in probability and statistics; for example, the covariance matrix of n random variables is always positive semi-definite (see MATH230).

Theorem 5.21.

Let AMn(R) be real symmetric. The following are equivalent:

  1. i.

    A is positive semi-definite,

  2. ii.

    All of the eigenvalues of A are non-negative (i.e. 0).

In the above theorem Sylvester’s criterion does not appear because it is no longer valid; in other words, being real, symmetric and positive semi-definite is not equivalent to being real, symmetric and having all principal minors 0. The only reliable test is the eigenvalue test.


The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 5.15. ∎

Exercise 5.22:

Verify that the matrix [10002-20-22] is symmetric and positive semi-definite, but not positive definite.

[End of Exercise]

Theorem 5.23.

Let AMn(R) be a real symmetric positive semi-definite matrix. Then there exists a unique real symmetric positive semi-definite matrix B such that A=B2

In this case, the resulting matrix is usually called “thematrix square root of A, since it’s uniquely defined. So, in this way, “real symmetric positive semi-definite matrices” may be considered as a nice generalization of “non-negative real numbers”.


There is an orthogonal matrix P and diagonal matrix D such that


This is the Spectral Theorem 5.7. Since A is positive semi-definite, all of the diagonal entries of D are non-negative (i.e. λi0), so we can define C as follows

  1. D=diag(λ1,,λn),

  2. C:=diag(λ1,,λn).

Then C2=D, and B:=PCPT is real symmetric positive semi-definite. Finally,


Therefore, we have proved that such a B always exists.

We omit the proof of uniqueness (the proof is not obvious). ∎

Example 5.24.

Find the matrix square root of A from Example 5.9.

In that example we found an orthogonal P and diagonal D such that A=PDPT. By taking the square root of the diagonal entries of D, we compute:


Now it is easy to check that B2=A.