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Exercise 3.40:
  1. i.

    Let A=[2-1-12]. Prove that [xy]A[xy]>0 for any non-zero vector (x,y)2.

  2. ii.

    Prove that 2 with ,A is an inner product space.

  3. iii.

    Using ,A, find the norms and angle between the vectors [10] and [01].

Exercise 3.41:

Determine which of these bilinear forms are inner products.

  1. i.

    Let V=, the 2-dimensional real vector space; define x,y:=Re(xy¯) for all x,y. Here Re(x) is the real part of x, and x¯ is the complex conjugate of x.

  2. ii.

    Let V=𝒫2(). Define p(x),q(x)=p(0)q(0).

Exercise 3.42:

For each of the following subspaces of n find an orthogonal basis.

  1. i.


  2. ii.

    {(x,y,z)| 2x+y=3z}3.

  3. iii.

    The row space of [214001-111101].

  4. iv.

    The orthogonal complement of span{[111-5]T}4.

Exercise 3.43:

Let V=𝒫3(), and define the bilinear form


for p(x),q(x)𝒫3(). This defines an inner product. Apply the Gram-Schmidt process to the basis 1,x,x2,x3 to produce an orthogonal basis for 𝒫3().

Exercise 3.44:

In an inner product space, prove that an orthogonal sequence of non-zero vectors is always linearly independent.

Exercise 3.45:

Let Wn. A student is asked to prove that (W)=W, and he writes the following:

[Student box]

If xW, and yW, then yx=0, by definition of W.
But we know yx=xy, and therefore
x(W):={zn|z,y=0 for all yW}.
Hence W=(W).

[End of Student box]

What has the student done wrong, and how might he get full marks?

Exercise 3.46:

Prove Theorem 3.6.

[Hint: Use that the (i,j) coordinate of a matrix is equal to eiTAej.]

Exercise 3.47:

A student is asked to prove Theorem 3.11, and she writes the following:

[Student box]

Assume that ,A is symmetric.

Notice that for any standard basis vectors ei,ej we have that


So ei,ejA=ej,eiA implies that [A]i,j=[A]j,i.

Therefore A is a symmetric matrix.

[End of Student box]

What has the student done wrong, and how might she get full marks?

Exercise 3.48:

Let V:=Mn(). Recall the trace of a matrix is the function


So it is the sum of its diagonal entries. A commonly used inner product which on Mn() is A,B:=tr(ABT), for any A,BMn(). You may assume this defines a bilinear form.

  1. i.

    Prove that , is symmetric on V.

  2. ii.

    Prove that , is positive definite.

  3. iii.

    Calculate the angle between the two vectors in M3():

    1. A=[12021-20-21]

    2. B=[100010008]

  4. iv.

    Find an orthonormal basis for M2().

[Hint for part (ii): Use the formula from Exercise 1.25 to find an expression for the (i,i) entry in the matrix ABT.]

Exercise 3.49 (Fourier series):

Let V be the vector space of real-valued continuous functions on [0,1], with the inner product f,g=01f(t)g(t)𝑑t, as in Example 3.15. Define the following vectors in V:

  1. fn(t)=2cos(2πnt)

  2. gn(t)=2sin(2πnt)

for each n1.

At the end of MATH210 it was proved that the infinite sequence (1,f1,g1,f2,g2,) is orthonormal, where 1 refers to the constant function with value 1.

Assume we have a function in V as follows:


for some scalars αn,βn. Then use Theorem 3.33 to express αn, βn as an integral in terms of f.

[Aside: In fact, at the end of the MATH210 notes it is proved that any continuous function can be written in the above form if we let r=, and no longer assume it is a finite linear combination of the orthonormal sequence. This infinite series is called the Fourier series of f. These ideas will also be discussed in MATH317, where the concept of “orthonormal basis” is extended to infinite-dimensional inner product spaces.]

Learning objectives for Chapter 3:

Pass Level: You should be able to…

  • State and compute the formulas for length, distance, and angle between vectors in the n, and some other cases as well (e.g. Exercises 3.16 and 3.40).

  • State the definition of an inner product space, and explain all the words you use.

  • State the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality from memory, and verify it for specific vectors (e.g. Exercises 3.18 and 3.19).

  • Convert an orthogonal sequence into an orthonormal sequence (e.g. Exer. 3.24).

  • Geometrically visualize and find a basis for the orthogonal complement of a given subspace in 3 (e.g. Example 3.27 and Exercise 3.29).

  • Explain the purpose of the Gram-Schmidt process.

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, at least 50% of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.

First class level: You should be able to…

  • Write a complete solution, without referring to any notes, to at least 80% of the exercises in this Chapter, and in particular the proof questions.

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, all of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.