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3.B Positive definiteness

In the previous section, we generalized the idea of the scalar product, to that of bilinear forms, and described those forms on n using n×n matrices. But the scalar product has further properties which ensure we can define a notion of length, distance, and even angle between two non-zero vectors. To generalize these notions to bilinear forms, we will insist on a few additional “natural” properties. For example, the distance from x to y should be the same as the distance from y to x. So we define the following property of a function ,:V×V, for any real vector space V over :


for all x,yV. If a bilinear form satisfies this property, then we call it a symmetric bilinear form. It is natural to ask: Which bilinear forms are symmetric? Here is the answer for n:

Theorem 3.11.

The bilinear form ,A on Rn is symmetric if and only if the matrix A is a symmetric matrix (i.e. A=AT).

The proof of this Theorem is given as Exercise 3.47.

But there are further hurdles in using the formulas 3.1 to define lengths and angles. For example, if x,x<0, the square root will not be real (and then there is no consistent way of choosing between the two square roots). Even if x,x=0, then we could define the length as ||x||=0, but that would prevent us from using the formula for the angle. To avoid these problems, it is better to consider forms with the following property, called positive difiniteness:


for any non-zero vector 0xV. The standard scalar product on n obeys this property. We will call a symmetric bilinear form obeying the positive definiteness property an inner product of V. Another way of thinking about this condition is this: “The distance between two distinct vectors is always positive.” Recall that distance was defined as ||x-y||.

Example 3.12.

A:=[122212221] is symmetric. Is ,A positive definite?

Solution: Consider the vector x=[1-10]T. Then


Therefore the bilinear form corresponding to A is not positive definite.

In the above example, I first tried a few other vectors ( [100]T and [110]T), and found they had x,xA>0. But to prove positive definiteness, you need to prove x,xA>0 for all non-zero vectors. Later, Theorem 5.15 will give us an easier method.

Exercise 3.13:

Define a function 2×2 by [x1x2],[y1y2]=x1x2+y1y2. Determine which of the following properties are satisfied by ,:

  1. i.


  2. ii.


  3. iii.

    Positive definite.

[End of Exercise]

Exercise 3.14:

Let A=[3111]. Prove that ,A is an inner product.

[End of Exercise]