Ph.D Project

I am currently working on my Ph.D. project which is supervised by Prof. Adam Letchford and Burak Boyaci and is in collaboration with Routeware, Inc. The title of the project is Exact and Heuristic Approaches to Arc Routing Problems.
My interest areas are optimisation problems, heuristics, routing problems, and exact algorithms.
My google scholar:


1. Boyacı, Burak and Dang, Thu Huong and Letchford, Adam N. (2021) Vehicle routing on road networks: How good is Euclidean approximation?, Computers & Operations Research, 129, article 105197.
2. Boyacı, Burak and Dang, Thu Huong and Letchford, Adam N. (2022) On matchings, T-joins, and arc routing in road networks , Networks, 79(1), 20-31.
3. Boyacı, Burak and Dang, Thu Huong and Letchford, Adam N., Improving a Constructive Heuristic for the General Routing Problem, submitted, September 2021 .
4.Boyacı, Burak and Dang, Thu Huong and Letchford, Adam N., Fast upper and lower bounds for a large-scale real-world arc routing problem, submitted, December 2021.

Conference Presentations

1. 3rd IMA and OR Society Conference (2021): Fast Upper Bounds for a Large-Scale Real-World Arc Routing Problem.
2. The 34th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO, 2021): Euclidean Approximation for Vehicle Routing Problems on Road Networks.
3. 31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO, 2021): On Matchings, T-Joins, and Arc Routing in Road Networks.
4. The 2021 Vietnam Operations Research Network Annual Meeting (VORN): On Matchings, T-Joins, and Arc Routing in Road Networks.