Framework - Historic Negotiations

Negotiations with the University on the first phase of the Framework agreement are now complete. The outcome was communicated to all members of staff at the University and the details of all locally agreed issues can be read by choosing from the list below:

Members should note, there are many outstanding issues all of which were raised during the negotiations. Despite assurances given by the University that these would be visited on completion of phase 1, the University have been extremely reluctant to enter into negotiations on the outstanding issues. Be assured, your local UCU will not let the issues drop.

Locally, UCU members were asked to vote on the information provided in the documents below.

The local membership voted to accept the agreement.

Pay Scales 2006
Terms & Conditions2006
New grade 6 - Related Issues2006
Appeals Procedure2006
Local Guidance2006
14 HERA Elements2006

The Assimilation document details the three possible outcomes (red, green or white circled), from the job evaluation exercise.

The Appeals document will be of particular importance to all those who are not happy with the University's decision and wish to do something about it. This document outlines the procedure that must be adhered to in order to submit individual appeals.


Any increases in remuneration as a result of this process will not be backdated.

A number of members who will be in Grade 6 from August 2006 are concerned as to how they will be affected. It is hoped these next few lines will dispel the myths and provide peace of mind:

  • Fixed Hours - This will not be applied initially for three years after which time the position will be reviewed.
  • Holiday - Members will still enjoy 25 days holiday per year initially for the next three years after which time the position will be reviewed.
  • Pension - Members have the option of switching to the Local Government Pension Scheme if they wish.

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