1. Which best expresses Descartes' argument for the existence of the objective world?

A. Although you dream from time to time, you also wake up. B. The Evil Demon might conceivably deceive us into thinking there is an objective world even if there weren't one, but to do so he or she would have themselves to be objective so there would have to be an objective world even if we believed that there wasn't.    
C. God is omnibenevolent and omipotent and so would not have deceived us on such a significant issue. D. You couldn't discard pebbles from a non-existent barrel.  
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I think C is the right answer.

D. is fanciful.

B. is not to be found in Descartes I think. [Is it valid?]

A. Misses the point of the dreaming argument, which is that there are occasions when I am dreaming when I believe I am getting veridical experience from my senses when in fact I am not. I think there only has to be one such experience for the argument to be valid ...-?
