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The tutors for AwayMAVE are the same as those who teach
at Lancaster. The team currently includes the following academic staff.
Isis Brook ---- Director of Distance Learning
My role is to look after the distance learners and the staff
who are teaching via the distance mode. I also teach module 405 Phenomenology
and the Environment.
I am a philosopher with an interest in environmental ethics,
environmental aesthetics and my main research interests are phenomenology
and the philosophy of gardens. I also have an interest in the problems
of learning to philosophize and how to maintain motivation for study.
web page
Dr Emily Brady-Haapala
Emily teaches module 407 Aesthetics and the Environment.
She was one of the first tutors to convert her module to distance mode
and is keen to explore this mode of learning. Her philosophical research
interests are environmental aesthetics, Kant, and philosophy of mind.
Within environmental aesthetics (a relatively new field) she is keen to
defend aesthetic value as a 'proper' environmental value, that is, as
a value that has an important place alongside other values in conservation
planning and policy-making.
web page
Professor Alan Holland
Alan teaches three MAVE modules 402 Land as Community :
the philosophy of conservation; 412 Philosophy of Conservation in Practice
and; 409 Biotechnology and the Environment. Currently only 402 is available
purely by distance, but we hope to have 409 before too long. 412 is a
module based on our annual field trip to the Scottish island of Rhum.
Distance students have come on this one week module before and greatly
enjoyed a week of intensive contact.
Alan's current research interests are evolution theory,
decision-making, foundations of environmental policy and ethical and conceptual
issues surrounding biotechnology.
web page
Clare Palmer
Clare teaches the module on environmental ethics and is
an active researcher in this area her research interests include the environment
and animals in philosophy, and questions relating to the environment and
web page

Vernon Pratt
Vernon teaches module 406 Conceptions of Plants, Animals
and Nature: A historical perspective. He was also the person who decided
that MAVE should be made available by distance and did all the early work
on this. Vernon's current reasearch interest is the concept of character.
staff web page

Dr Alison Stone
Alison teaches the module on Nature and Continental Philosophy.
Her interests centre on the idea of philosophy of nature as articulated
in the tradition of European philosophy since Kant, and how the philosophy
of nature relates to environmental ethics. She is also interested in feminist
philosophy and theory, and in the idea of a philosophy and politics of
sexual difference. Her current research explores the philosophy of sexual
difference developed by Luce Irigaray, and she is at the start of a broader
project on the history of conceptions of nature within the continental
philosophical tradition.
web page
Dr Bronislaw Szerzsynski
Bron teaches module 424 Mediated Nature, this is a module
that is part of one of the Institute's other MAs (Environment, Culture
and Society) and thus has a more sociological slant. We thought it would
be of particular interest to AwayMAVE students. Bron's research interests
include sociology of environment and risk'; social movements, identity
and value change; implicit religion; the mass media and popular culture;
qualitative research methods.
web page
Other members of staff not currently teaching distance
modules but available for dissertation supervision consult the staff
page for details
Professor John O'Neill
Professor Ruth Chadwick
Professor Robin Grove-White
Professor Brian Wynne
Dr Philip Macnaghten
Claire Waterton