IEP 511: Environmental Decision Making

AWAYMAVE - The Distance Mode of MA in Values and the Environment at Lancaster University

Environmental Decision Making


The main text will be a book I am just completing: Markets, Deliberation and Environmental Value. It will also draw on a book recently completed with Alan Holland and Andrew Light Values and the Environment. Discussions of a number of the main topics in the course will be also found in my earlier books Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-Being and the Natural World (London, Routledge, 1993) which is still available as an e-text and The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics (London: Routledge, 1998). A number of papers relevant to the course will be found in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy (Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 2001).

Key chapters will be made available on the discussion site

The further reading list is extensive in order to give you a good range of materials that might be available to you and of interest for specific questions, do not be concerned about the length there is no assumption that you will be reading this much material.

Block 1

Economic approaches to environmental policy making. Cost benefit analysis and its critics

Set reading O'Neill, J. Markets, Deliberation and Environmental Value chs.1 and 2

Further reading

1. Cost-benefit analysis and surrogate prices

Neo-classical approaches
K. Arrow 'Limited Knowledge and Economic Analysis' in The Economics of Information
D. Pearce et. al. Blueprint for a Green Economy
D. Pearce and K. Turner Economics of Natural Resources
Pearce, D. and Moran, D. (1995) The Economic Value of Biodiversity
Bromley, D. ed. A Handbook of Environmental Economics
Freeman 'Hedonic Pricing Methods' in Bromley A Handbook of Environmental Economics
Bishop, R., Champ, P. and Mullarkey, D. 'Contingent Valuation' in Bromley A Handbook of Environmental Economics
Bockstael, N. 'Travel Cost Models' in Bromley A Handbook of Environmental Economics

Critics of surrogate pricing
J. O’Neill ‘Markets and the Environment: The Solution is the Problem’ Economic and Political Weekly, 36, 2001, pp.1865-1873
J. O’Neill 'King Darius and the Environmental Economist' in O'Neill and Hayward eds. Justice, Property and the Environment: Social and Legal Perspectives (Aldershot: Avebury, 1997)
J. O’Neill 'Managing Without Prices: On the Monetary Valuation of Biodiversity' Ambio 26, 1997, pp. 546-550
Holland A. (1995) 'The Assumptions of Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Philosopher's View' in K. Willis and J. Corkindale eds. Environmental Valuation: New Perspectives
Sagoff, M. (1988) The Economy of the Earth
Vatn A. and Bromley, D. 'Choices Without Prices Without Apologies' in Bromley A Handbook of Environmental Economics
J. Foster (ed) Valuing Nature?
J. O’Neill and C. Spash ‘Conceptions of Value in Environmental Decision-Making’ Environmental Values, 9, 2000

2. Incommensurability

J. O’Neill 'Value Pluralism, Incommensurability and Institutions' in J. Foster (ed) Valuing Nature (London: Routledge, 1997)
J. O’Neill 'Commensurability and Compensability in Ecological Economics' (with J. Martinez-Alier and G. Munda) in C. Spash and M. O'Connor eds. Valuation and Environment: Principles and Practices (Aldershot: Edward Elgar,1999)
J. O’Neill 'Weak Comparability of Values as a Foundation for Ecological Economics' (with J. Martinez-Alier and G. Munda) Ecological Economics 26, 1998, pp.277-268
J. O’Neill 'Cost-Benefit Analysis, Rationality and the Plurality of Values' The Ecologist, 26, 1996, pp.98-103

R. Chang ed. Incommensurability, Incomparability and Practical Reason see in particular R. Chang ‘Introduction’ and J. Griffin ‘Incommensurability: What’s the Problem?’
J. O'Neill The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics ch.9
J. Griffin 'Are There Incommensurable Values' Philosophy and Public Affairs 1977, 7, 39-59
J. Griffin Well-Being ch.5
J. Griffin 'Mixing Values' Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society supplementary volume 65, 1991
J. Raz 'Mixing Values' Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society supplementary volume 65, 1991
J. Raz The Morality of Freedom ch. 13
J. O’Neill Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-Being and the Natural World ch. 7
M. Nussbaum 'Plato on Commensurability and Desire' in Love's Knowledge
I. Berlin Four Essays on Liberty
C. Taylor 'The Diversity of Goods' in A. Sen and B. Williams eds. Utilitarianism and Beyond

Block 2: Environmental policy and justice across generations

Future generations

Set Reading:
B. Barry ‘Circumstances of Justice and Future Generations’ in R. Sikora and B. Barry Obligations to Future Generations reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy.
E. Partridge ‘Future Generations’ in D. Jamieson ed. Blackwell Companion to Environmental Philosophy

Further reading

Kavka ‘The Paradox of Future Individuals’ Philosophy and Public Affairs 1982, 11, pp. 93-112 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy.
D. Parfit ’Future Generations: Further Problems’ Philosophy and Public Affairs 1982, 11, pp. 113-172 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
J. Woodward ‘The Non-Identity Problem’ Ethics 1986, 96, pp. 804-831
M. Hanser ‘Harming future people’ Philosophy and Public Affairs 1990, 19, pp.47-70
R. Elliot ‘The Rights of Future People’ Generations’ Journal of Applied Philosophy 6, 1989, pp.159-169 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy.
A. De Shalit ‘Community and the Rights of Future Generations’ Journal of Applied Philosophy 9, 1992, pp.105-116 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy.
J. O’Neill 'Future Generations: Present Harms', Philosophy, 1993, 68, pp.35-51 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
Avner de Shalit Why Posterity Matters: Environmental Policies and Future Generations
J. O’Neill Ecology, Policy and Politics ch.3
Routley, R. and V. (1978) 'Nuclear Energy and Obligations to Future' Inquiry, 21, pp.133-179
Golding, M. (1972) 'Obligations to Future Generations' The Monist, 56, pp.85-99
Attfield (1983) The Ethics of Environmental Concern chs. 6 and 7
Parfit, D. (1984) Reasons and Persons Part 4

Discounting the future

Cowen, T. and Parfit, D. 'Against the Social Discount Rate' In Peter Laslett and James Fishkin, editors, Philosophy, Politics, and Society, sixth series 1992, 144-161 Available at:
Parfit, Derek. Reasons and Persons Appendix F
Broome, John. “Discounting and Welfare.” Philosophy and Public Affairs, Spring 1994, 23, 2, 128-156

Time and narrative
J. O’Neill 'Time, Narrative and Environmental Politics' in R. Glottlieb ed. Ecological Community (London: Routledge, 1997)
J. O’Neill 'Self, Time and Separability' in B. Harrison ed. Self and Future Generations (Cambridge: White Horse Press, 1999)
J. O’Neill and A. Holland ‘Yew Trees, Butterflies, Rotting Boots and Washing Lines’ in A. Light and A. de Shalit eds. Reasoning in Environmental Practice: Philosophy and Politics in Global Ecological Perspective (MIT Press. forthcoming)
J. O’Neill and Alan Holland 'Two Approaches to Biodiversity Value' in D. Posey ed. Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity (London: UNEP,1999)
J. O'Neill Ecology, Policy and Politics: Human Well-Being and the Natural World chs.3-4
J. O'Neill 'Future Generations: Present Harms', Philosophy, 1993, 68, pp.35-51

A. MacIntyre After Virtue 2nd edn. (London: Duckworth, 1985) ch.15.
J. Broome Weighing Goods
A. Holland and K. Rawles, The Ethics of Conservation Report presented to The Countryside Council for Wales, p 37. Thingmount Series, No.1. Lancaster University: Department of Philosophy, 1994. Available here
S. Weil The Need for Roots
M. Golding 'Obligations to Future Generations' The Monist 56, 1972, pp. 85-99
Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics Book I, chs.10-13.
T.S. Eliot 'Tradition and Individual Talent' in Selected Essays
R. Elliot, "Faking Nature", Inquiry 25, 1982: 81-93.
T. Nagel The Possibility of Altruism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1970)
D. Parfit Reasons and Persons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984) part two.

Block 3: Sustainability, community and equality

Set Reading
J. O’Neill ‘Sustainability: Ethics, Politics and the Environment’ in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
J. O’Neill Markets, Deliberation and Environmental Value ch. 6
A. Holland ‘Sustainability’ in D. Jamieson ed. Blackwell Companion to Environmental Philosophy

Further reading

W. Beckerman ‘Sustainable Development and Our Obligations to Future Generations’ in A. Dobson ed. Fairness and Futurity reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
B. Barry ‘Sustainability and Intergenerational Justice’ Theoria, 45, 1997, pp.43-63 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
A. Holland ‘Substitutability: or, why strong sustainability is weak and absurdly strong sustainability is not absurd’, in J. Foster (ed.) Valuing Nature
A. Holland ‘Sustainability: Should we Start from Here?’ in A. Dobson ed. Fairness and Futurity
B. Norton ‘Ecology and Opportunity: Intergenerational Equity and Sustainable Options’ both in A. Dobson ed. Fairness and Futurity
A. Dobson ‘Environmental Sustainabilities: An Analysis and a Typology’ Environmental Politics, 5, 1996, pp.401-428 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
Beckerman, W. '"Sustainable Development": Is It a Useful Concept?', Environmental Values 3 1994 pp.191-209 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
Daly, H. E. 'On Wilfred Beckerman's critique of sustainable development', Environmental Values 4, 1995 pp.49-55. reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
M. Jacobs ‘Sustainable Development, Capital Substitution and Economic Humility: A Response to Beckerman’ Environmental Values 4, 1995 pp. 57-68 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
Beckerman, W. 'How Would You Like Your Sustainability, Sir? Weak Or Strong?', Environmental Values 4, 1995, pp.169-179 reprinted in J. O’Neill, I. Bateman and R. K. Turner eds. Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
and V. Shiva ‘Recovering the Real Meaning of Sustainability’ in D. Cooper and J. Palmer The Environment in Question
A. Light and H. Rolston III eds. Environmental Ethics: An Anthology Part VI: Focusing on Central Issues: Sustaining, Restoring, Preserving Nature: Is Sustainability Possible?
A. Dobson Justice and The Environment
World Commission on Environment and Development Our Common Future (London: Oxford University Press, 1987)

A. Sen ‘Equality of What?’ In S. McMurrin ed. Tanner Lectures on Human Values (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980)
G. A. Cohen ‘On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice’ Ethics, pp.906-944
D. Parfit 'Equality and Priority' Ratio (new series), 10, 1997, pp. 202-221
R. Norman 'The Social Basis of Equality' Ratio (new series), 10, 1997, pp. 238-252,
L. Temkin Inequality
J. O’Neill ‘Chekov and the Egalitarian’ Ratio forthcoming
J.O’Neill 'Economy, Equality and Recognition' L. Ray and A. Sayer eds. Culture and Economy After the Cultural Turn

Block 4 Democracy, deliberation and environmental problems

Set Reading details to follow

Deliberative democracy:
J. O’Neill ‘Deliberative Democracy and Environmental Policy’ for B. Minteer and B. Pepperman-Taylor eds. Democracy and the Claims of Nature (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002 )
J. O’Neill 'Deliberation and Its Discontents' in N. Low ed. Environmental Justice, Global Ethics for the 21st Century (Melbourne: University of Melbourne, 1999)
J. O’Neill ‘The Rhetoric of Deliberation: Some Problems in Kantian theories of Deliberative Democracy’ Res Publica, 8, 2002, pp.249-268
J. O’Neill 'Contingent Valuation and Qualitative Democracy' Environmental Politics, 5, 1996, pp.752-759
Dryzek J. 1992, ‘Ecology and Discursive Democracy: Beyond Liberal Capitalism and the Administrative State’ Capitalism, Nature and Socialism 3, pp.18-42
Eckersley R. 1999, ‘The Discourse Ethic and the Problem of Representing Nature’ Environmental Politics 8, pp.24-49
Goodin R. 1996, ‘Enfranchising the Earth, and its Alternatives’ Political Studies, 44, pp.835-849
Goodin, R. 2000 ‘Democratic Deliberation Within’ Philosophy and Public Affairs, 29, pp.81-109
Jacobs M. 1997 ‘Environmental Valuations, Deliberative Democracy and Public Decision-Making Institutions’ in J. Foster Valuing Nature? London: Routledge

Beckerman, W. and Pasek, J. 1997, 'Plural Values and Environmental Protection' Environmental Values, 6, pp.65-86
Benhabib S. 1996 ed. Democracy and Difference Princeton: Princeton University Press
Bohman, J. and W. Rehg (eds.) (1997) Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics MIT Press, Cambridge Mass.
E. Burke (1774) ‘Speech to the Electors of Bristol at the Conclusion of the Poll’ in E. Burke The Works London: Nimmo 1899 vol. 3 pp. 89-98
Burnheim, J. 1985 Is Democracy Possible? Cambridge: Polity Press
Cohen, J. 1989 'Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy' in A. Hamlin and P. Pettit eds. The Good Polity Oxford: Blackwell
Dryzek, J. 1990 Discursive Democracy: Politics, Policy and Political Science Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Elster, J. 1986 'The Market and the Forum: Three Varieties of Political Theory' in J. Elster and A. Hylland eds. Foundations of Social Choice Theory Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
J. Elster ed. Deliberative Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998)
Guttman, A. and D. Thompson 1996 Democracy and Disagreement Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
Habermas, J. 1975 The Legitimation Crisis of Late Capitalism T. McCarthy trans. Boston: Beacon Press
Habermas, J. 1984 The Theory of Communicative Rationality, Vol.1: Reason and Rationalisation in Society Cambridge: Polity
Habermas, J. 1996 Between Facts and Norms Cambridge, Mass. M.I.T. Press,
Manin, B. 1987, 'On Legitimacy and Political Deliberation' Political Theory 15, pp.338-68
Miller, D. 1992, 'Deliberative Democracy and Social Choice' Political Studies 40, pp.54-67
Phillips, A. 1997 ‘Dealing with Difference: A Politics of Ideas or a Politics of Presence’ in R. Goodin and P. Pettit eds. Contemporary Political Philosophy Oxford: Blackwell
Rawls, J. 1996 Political Liberalism New York: Columbia University Press
Rippe K.P. & Schaber P.,1999 ‘Democracy and Environmental Decision-Making’ Environmental Values, 8, , pp.75-88
Sustein, C. 1997 ‘Preferences and Politics’ in R. Goodin and P. Pettit eds. Contemporary Political Philosophy Oxford: Blackwell

Block 5 Representing nature

Set Reading
O’Neill J. ‘Representing people, representing nature, representing the world’ Environmental Planning C: Government and Policy 19, 2001, pp.483-500
O’Neill J. ‘Deliberative Democracy and Environmental Policy’ for B. Minteer and B. Pepperman-Taylor eds. Democracy and the Claims of Nature

Further reading

Dobson, A. (1996) ‘Representative Democracy and the Environment’ in W. Lafferty and J. Meadowcraft eds. Democracy and the Environment: Problems and Prospects
Eckersley R. (1999) ‘The Discourse Ethic and the Problem of Representing Nature’ Environmental Politics 8, pp.24-49
Goodin R. (1996) ‘Enfranchising the Earth, and its Alternatives’ Political Studies, 44, pp.835-849
Goodin, R. (2000) ‘Democratic Deliberation Within’ Philosophy and Public Affairs, 29, pp.81-109
Borges, J. L (1979) ‘The Congress’ The Book of Sand
Borges, J. L (1981) ‘Of the Exactitude of Science’ A Universal History of Infamy
Birch A. (1972) Representation
Phillips, A. (1995) The Politics of Presence
Pitkin H. (1967) The Concept of Representation
Young I. (2000) Inclusion and Democracy


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