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The Distance Mode of MA in Values and the Environment at Lancaster University

Tutor Details

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NB These materials do not represent the current (05/06) version of this module, and are offered here as only as an additional resource for students of environmental ethics.


The module was previously taught by Dr Clare Palmer and it is her web notes that are contained within this resource

Dr Clare Palmerphoto of clare

One of the things I've been very lucky about is having lived in many different kinds of environments: I grew up in suburban London, studied at Oxford, and have worked in inner London and Glasgow, rural Scotland, Western Australia and Lancashire. All these environments have raised their own ethical questions for me: as far as I am concerned, environmental ethics is not confined to questions about how we should regard, and treat, wilderness! I hope this course provides a structured, critical opportunity to think about ethical questions with respect to a variety of environments - and different organisms who inhabit them.