Boris Altshuler (Columbia University NY) |
Fundamental of mesoscopic physics |
Eva Andrei (Rutgers) |
Fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene |
Natan Andrei (Rutgers) |
Kondo physics |
Vadim Cheianov (Lancaster) |
Bosonisation and correlations in one dimensional systems and edge states |
Nigel Cooper (Cambridge) |
Non-Abelian quantum Hall effect systems |
Atsushi Fujimori (Tokyo) |
Heterostructures of transition metal oxides |
Vladimir Falko (Lancaster) |
Electronic properties of graphene |
Andre Geim (Manchester) |
All you wanted to know about graphene |
Steven Girvin (Yale) |
Circuit QED: Physics of microwave photons and superconducting qubits |
Charles Kane (University of Pennsylvania) |
Theory of topological insulators |
Jorg Kotthaus (Munich) |
Nanomechanical systems |
Peter Littlewood (Cambridge) |
Heterostructures of transition metal oxides – theory |
Daniel Loss (Basel) |
Physics of spin qubits |
Florian Marquardt (Munich) |
Quantum nanomechanics |
Walter Metzner (MPI Stuttgart) |
Functional renormalization group for interacting electrons |
Subir Sachdev (Harvard) |
Quantum phase transitions of metals |
Jorg Schmalian (Ames Lab / Royal Halloway) |
Superconductivity, old and new |
Maurice Skolnick (Sheffield) |
Quantum optics of semiconductor quantum wells and dots - experiment. |
Marzena Szymanska (Warwick) |
Polaritons condensation. |