Let the World�s Peoples Shout - Poem
Bloeddier i Bobloedd y Byd
A sylwoch mor ddiamser Yw dyn wrth ddod at iaith newydd? Bydd, fe fydd yn baglu dros gytseiniaid, Yn gohirio llafariaid, Yn gwisgo holl arfogaeth ei ddyhead Am fuddugoliaeth dros fynegiant. A bydd, fe fydd ei dafod Fel baban bach ar ei ben ôl.
Felly, bydded i bob un o genhedloedd byd Ddysgu iaith esgymun ei gymydog, Ie, cropian a chwrian mewn corneli, Colli cwsg wrth ei thrwsglo; Cans fel hyn y daw dileu yr amserau. Ni ddaw’r gorfennol yn rhwydd ar dafod. Erys iaith heddiw. Bydd yn ddeiseb hedd- Gan dynnu i lawr holl ferfau pigog; Ni fydd yr amherffaith mor berffaith A phan nad yw.
A bydd agen , hollt a rhwyg Yn cael eu cyfannu’n y geg agored. Pob newydd ddysgwr â chof Am gyweirio cystrawennau, Cyfod o’i wely, unioni llef.
Ni fydd amser i ledu llid, Cans bydd llwythau wedi eu llethu  chyfoeth yr holl gerrig arloesi.
A thrwy’r babanod yn Babel bydd iau Wedi ei chodi a’r Uniaith yn iachâu Wrth ymryddhau, rhyddhau wrth hau.
Let the World’s Peoples Shout (translation)
Have you noticed how time-free a person is When approaching a new language? Yes, you stumble over consonants, Postpone vowels, Encumbered with all the armour of your longing For the conquest of expression. And yes, your tongue is like A baby bumping along on its bottom.
Well then, let each of the world’s peoples learn The excommunicated language of its neighbour, Yes, creep and crouch in corners, Lose sleep in messing it up, Since this is how tenses will be deleted, The past will not come fluently on the tongue. The language of today will stay. It will sue for peace, Pull down all the barbed-wire verbs. The imperfect will never be so perfect As when it ceases to exist.
And cleft, split and rupture will be Made whole in the open mouth. Each new learner will have the memory Of correcting constructions, Picking up one’s bed, rectifying speech.
There will be no time for spreading hatred, Since the tribes will be overcome By the riches of all the founding stones-
And through the babies in Babel A yoke will be raised, a United Languages heal In freeing oneself, freeing in sowing the seed.
© Menna Elfyn
(from Cusan Dyn Dall/Blind Man’s Kiss, Bloodaxe Books, 2001)
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