I am currently teaching various subjects involving Quantum Mechanics, often considered the pinnacle of theory in physics - with unrivaled accuracy, ground-breaking radical concepts, magical phenomena, and a host of practical applications that advance modern technology.

Online lecture notes

Quantum mechanics (pdf version)

Quantum information processing (pdf version)

Video lectures

Quantum mechanics

Quantum information processing


Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Department of Physics, Lancaster University, UK

MPIPKS Dresden, Germany

  • Seminar "Complex Dynamics" (with TU Dresden, 2002 - 2004)

Leiden University, The Netherlands

  • Werkbesprekingen (journal club, Dec 1998 - Oct 2000)

University of Essen, Germany

  • Excercise courses in Theoretical Physics (1996-1997)
  • Laboratory courses in Experimental Physics (1994-1996)

University of Stuttgart, Germany

  • Excercise courses in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (1991 - 1993)