organisation of conferences

session chairman at international conferences

lecturer at academic schools

seminars and conference talks

  1. Physical manifestations of non-Hermiticity and topology in photonic systems, 11 December 2024, Northumbria University, UK
  2. Physical manifestations of non-Hermiticity and topology in active and passive photonic systems, 31 October 2024, Imperial College London, UK
  3. Anomalous response of non-Hermitian matter, workshop "Non-Hermitian topology, geometry and symmetry across physical platforms" 26 September 2024, Simons Center, Stony Brook, USA
  4. Nonperturbative effects in the eigenvalue sensitivity of non-Hermitian systems, META 2024, 17 July 2024, Toyama, Japan,
  5. Noisy monitored quantum dynamics, 5 July 2024, Sendai, Japan
  6. Nonperturbative effects in the eigenvalue sensitivity of non-Hermitian systems, 2 May 2024, Chemnitz, Germany
  7. Noisy monitored quantum dynamics, 29 April 2024, Magdeburg, Germany
  8. Noisy monitored quantum dynamics in multi-qubit systems, 25 April 2024, TU Berlin, Germany
  9. Physical response of non-Hermitian topological systems (theory colloquium), 24 November 2023, Cologne, Germany
  10. Active and passive non-Hermitian devices, online seminar series "Non-Hermitian Physics", 25 October 2023, Strasbourg/Basel/Zürich/Aachen/Erlangen (remotely)
  11. Physical response of non-Hermitian topological systems, MPIPKS alumni meeting, 6 September 2023, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  12. Stochastic descriptions of noisy monitored quantum dynamics, conference "Measurement-Induced Quantum Dynamics of Many-Body Systems", 21-25 August 2023, ICTP Trieste, Italy
  13. Physical response of non-Hermitian topological systems, conference "Non-Hermitian Topology: from Classical Optics to Quantum Matter", 14-18 August 2023, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  14. Efficient analysis and design of edge states, META 2023, 19 July 2023, Paris, France
  15. Physical response of non-Hermitian topological systems, 3 July 2023, Tübingen University, Germany
  16. Efficient and direct design of edge and interface states, CLEO/Europe-EQEC, 30 June 2023, Munich, Germany
  17. Physical response of non-Hermitian topological systems, conference "Topology and Physics on Mount Carmel" in honor of Joshua Zak, 15-18 May 2023, Haifa, Israel
  18. Physics of nonreciprocal non-Hermitian devices, 21 February 2023, PCS IBS Daejeon, South Korea
  19. Renormalisation approach to the analysis and design of interface states, CMT group seminar, 21 November 2022, Lancaster University, UK
  20. Response theory and causality constraints on nonreciprocal non-Hermitian devices, 6 October 2022, Tohoku University, Japan
  21. Active and passive non-Hermitian devices (colloquium), 21 September 2022, HKU, Hong Kong (remotely)
  22. Noisy monitored quantum dynamics in multi-qubit systems, 20 September 2022, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
  23. Response theory and causality constraints on nonreciprocal non-Hermitian devices, 2 September 2022, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan
  24. Noisy monitored quantum dynamics in multi-qubit systems, 1 September 2022, RIKEN, Japan
  25. Fundamental causality constraints on the non-Hermitian skin effect in passive nonreciprocal systems, Conference "META 2022", 21 July 2022, Torremolinos, Spain
  26. Causality constraints and their symmetry classification in passive devices, workshop "Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics 2022", 4 July 2022, Tokyo University, Japan
  27. Geometry of random states in interacting quantum systems, "Heilbronn meeting", 10 June 2022, Lancaster, UK
  28. Topological effects in photonic systems (colloquium), 23 February 2022, Cuernavaca, Mexico (remotely)
  29. Nonreciprocal response and transport theory of non-Hermitian materials, Conference "WOMA 2022", 8 February 2022, Hong Kong (remotely)
  30. Topological lasers and condensates, Conference "QUANTUM2021", 24 November 2021, Bilbao, Spain
  31. Dynamics versus the steady state in the measurement-driven entanglement transition, Workshop "Probing complex quantum dynamics through out-of-time-ordered correlators", 15 October 2021, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  32. Fock space and random matrix perspective on ergodicity-breaking many-body states, Workshop "Ergodicity Breaking and Anomalous Transport in Quantum Many-Body Systems", 8 October 2021, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  33. Supersymmetric signatures of topological states, Conference Meta 2021, 22 July 2021, Warsaw, Poland (remotely)
  34. Instability of nonreciprocal non-Hermitian media, Conference Meta 2021, 21 July 2021, Warsaw, Poland (remotely)
  35. RMT perspective on entanglement localization transitions, 16 July 2021, QIQT-2021, Kolkata, India (remotely)
  36. Topological Anomalies Made Visible, MRS 2020 Fall meeting, 4 December 2020, Boston, USA (remotely)
  37. Instability and sensing in nonreciprocal non-Hermitian topological media, 5 November 2020, Magdeburg, Germany (remotely)
  38. Instability and sensing in nonreciprocal non-Hermitian topological media, CMT group meeting, 1 October 2020, Lancaster, UK (remotely)
  39. Instability and sensing in nonreciprocal non-Hermitian topological media, Conference CMD2020GEFES, Mini-symposium "Modern trends in topological quantum matter", 3 September 2020, Madrid, Spain (remotely)
  40. *cancelled* TBA, Rank Prize Symposium "Topological Photonics", 15-18 June 2020, Grasmere, UK
  41. *cancelled* Photonic Topological Anomalies, 5 December 2019, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
  42. Topological lasers and condensates, 3 June 2020, Cardiff, UK, and Bremen, Germany (remotely)
  43. Random-matrix perspective on many-body localization, 27 November 2019, Leiden, Netherlands
  44. Entanglement localization transitions - dynamics versus random matrix theory, "Dreiburg Meeting on Many-Body Quantum Chaos", 25 November 2019, Duisburg, Germany
  45. Photonic Topological Anomalies, 10 October 2019, Cambridge, UK
  46. Photonic Topological Anomalies, NORDITA program "Topological Quantum Matter: From Low-Temperature Physics to Non-Equilibrium Dynamics", 8 August 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
  47. Topological protection and quantum noise in nonlinear photonic systems, Conference "META 2019", 25 July 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
  48. Controlling photonic systems via topological anomalies, Conference "META 2019", 24 July 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
  49. Topological mode selection and photonic anomalies in lasers and condensates, 8 July 2019, RIKEN, Wako-shi, Japan
  50. Topological photonic anomalies, 24 June 2019, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  51. Topological lasers and condensates, International Workshop "Recent Advances in Topological Photonics", 17 June 2019, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  52. Topological mode selection, "Waves Côte d'Azur", 7 June 2019, Nice, France
  53. Topological effects in active media, "Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO)", 3 June 2019, Paderborn, Germany
  54. Photonic systems with topological anomalies, 25 April 2019, Lund, Sweden
  55. Polarization anomaly in photonic discrete-time quantum walks, 11 April 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
  56. Topological lasers and condensates, 13 March 2019, Imperial College London, UK
  57. Topological state engineering for two-dimensional photonic systems, Nature Conference: "Topological Photonics From Concepts to Devices", 12 November 2018, St Louis, USA
  58. Topological lasers and condensates, 2 October 2018, KTH Stockholm, Sweden
  59. From copropagating modes to complex dispersion arcs in nonhermitian resonator arrays, "Dynamics Days Europe", Billiards Minisymposium, 5 September 2018, Loughborough, UK
  60. Zero modes in complex systems - robust features against a random background, "Dynamics Days Europe", Quantum Chaos Minisymposium, 3 September 2018, Loughborough, UK
  61. Photonic polarization anomaly in supersymmetric topological quantum walks, Conference "PIERS 2018", 4 August 2018, Toyama, Japan
  62. Topologically protected condensates and lasers, Conference "PIERS 2018", 2 August 2018, Toyama, Japan
  63. Topological lasers and condensates, 23 July 2018, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
  64. Topological lasers and condensates, "IEEE Summer Topicals", 10 July 2018, Hawaii, USA
  65. Topological lasers and condensates, "NowNano Conference", 3 July 2018, Cranage Hall, UK
  66. Zero modes in random matrices - robust features against a random background, "Probability Days", 23 May 2018, Lancaster, UK
  67. Topological lasers and condensates, 16 May 2018, Manchester, UK
  68. Topological lasers and condensates, 10 May 2018, Madrid, Spain
  69. Supersymmetric Quantum Walks, 24 April 2018, Nice, France
  70. Topological lasers and condensates, 15 November 2017, Oxford, UK
  71. Topological lasers and condensates, Conference "653. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Optical Microcavities and Their Applications (WOMA 2017)", 8 November 2017, Bad Honnef, Germany
  72. Topological lasers and condensates, 11 October 2017, Birmingham, UK
  73. PT-symmetric scattering theory I&II, 3&4 October 2017, Nice, France
  74. Topology in Nonlinear Systems, Away day of programme grant "Semiconductor Quantum Photonics", 4 July 2017, Sheffield, UK
  75. Topological lasers and condensates, 13 June 2017, Chalmers University Göteborg, Sweden
  76. Topological lasers and condensates, 22 May 2017, LMU Munich, Germany
  77. Nonhermitian antilinear symmetries, workshop "Gaussian ensembles and their experimental realization", 18 May 2017, Nice, France
  78. Topological states from exceptional points-exceptional points from topological states, International Workshop on "Asymmetric Microcavity and Wave Chaos", 21 March 2017, Beijing, China
  79. Concepts of topological photonics, Away day of programme grant "Semiconductor Quantum Photonics", 23 January 2017, Sheffield, UK
  80. Many-body localization characterized from a one-particle perspective, CMT group seminar, 9 December 2016, Lancaster University, UK
  81. Statistical approaches to chaotic scattering and localisation, 17 October 2016, King's College London, UK
  82. Topological aspects of random-matrix theory I&II, 13 & 20 October 2016, Maths & Stats Department, Lancaster, UK
  83. Mode selection by symmetry and topology, Conference "Journées de la Matière Condensée – JMC15", 25 August 2016, Bordeaux, France
  84. The role of charge conjugation symmetry in topological photonics, 8 August 2016, PIERS 2016, Shanghai, China
  85. Selective amplification and charge conjugation in topological photonics, 5 August 2016, Nanjing, China
  86. Selective amplification of semi-chiral defect states, 28 July 2016, Conference "META 2016", Malaga, Spain
  87. The role of charge conjugation symmetry in topological photonics, Conference "Non-Hermitian Photonics in complex media", 16 June 2016, Heraklion, Greece
  88. Statistical approaches to chaotic scattering and localisation, 25 May 2016, Bielefeld, Germany
  89. Signatures of chaotic scattering from Majorana zero modes, "19th Symposium on Topological Quantum Information: Quantum matter out of equilibrium", 4 April 2016, Leeds, UK
  90. Delay times in chiral ensembles-signatures of chaotic scattering from Majorana zero modes, "Workshop on Random Matrix Theory", 12 December 2015, Bielefeld, Germany
  91. Symmetry and topology in photonic systems, 10 December 2015, Paderborn, Germany
  92. Delay times in chiral ensembles-signatures of chaotic scattering from Majorana zero modes, CMT group meeting, 23 October 2015, Lancaster, UK
  93. Symmetry and topology in photonic systems, Symposium on "Quantum Chaos, Billiards, RMT and more", 1 September 2015, CIC Cuernavaca, Mexico
  94. Delay times in chiral ensembles-signatures of chaotic scattering from Majorana zero modes, Gathering on "Random matrix theory, correlations and long tail distributions", 26 August 2015, CIC Cuernavaca, Mexico
  95. PT symmetry in topological photonics, LMS joint research group meeting, 18 August 2015, Imperial, London, UK
  96. Amplification and absorption in topological photonic systems, Conference "META 2015", 6 August 2015, New York, USA
  97. Topological and PT-symmetric photonic systems, 16 July 2015, Exeter, UK
  98. Amplification and absorption in topological photonic systems, Conference "Quantum Correlated Matter and Chaos: A workshop in Honor of the Life and Work of Richard Prange", 25 June 2015, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  99. Topological and PT-symmetric photonic systems, 12 May 2015, FU Berlin, Germany
  100. Amplification and absorption in topological photonic systems, 7 May 2015, TU Berlin, Germany
  101. Topological and PT-symmetric photonic systems, 28 April 2015, Magdeburg, Germany
  102. Topological and PT-symmetric photonic systems, 14 April 2015, Ilmenau, Germany
  103. Amplification and absorption in topological photonic systems, 31 March 2015, workshop "QuTe2015", Sheffield, UK
  104. Random-matrix theory for Majorana modes in chiral superconductors, 28 January 2015, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  105. Non-Hermitian transport and topological protection in photonic systems, 23 October 2014, Conference "Non-Hermitean Random Matrices: 50 Years After Ginibre", Yad Hashmona, Israel
  106. Delay times in chiral random-matrix ensembles, 14 October 2014, Leiden, Netherlands
  107. Topologically protected zero modes in electronic and optical systems, 14 July 2014, Conference LPHYS2014, Sofia, Bulgaria
  108. Topologically protected zero modes in electronic and optical systems” 7 May 2014, Heidelberg, Germany
  109. Signatures of the quantum Hall effect in strained graphene, 8 April 2014, Graphene flagship workpackage meeting, Lancaster, UK
  110. Tales of zero modes, 25 November 2013, Leiden, Netherlands
  111. Transport through Majorana nanowires, 4 November 2013, Exeter, UK
  112. Transport through Majorana nanowires, 12 September 2013, Conference "Advances in Quantum Chaotic Scattering: From (Non-)Linear Waves to Few-Body Systems", MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  113. Selective amplification of topologically protected states, 24 May 2013, Conference "Transport in Open Quantum Systems: Experiment and Theory", Porquerolles, France
  114. Selective amplification of topologically protected states, 15 May 2013, Imperial College London, UK
  115. Selective amplification of topologically protected states, 10 May 2013, Nottingham, UK
  116. Selective amplification of topologically protected states, 19 November 2012, Leiden, Netherlands
  117. Landau level lasers in strained photonic honeycomb crystals, 22 October 2012, Conference "Wave Chaos from the Micro- to the Macroscale", MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  118. Landau level lasers in strained photonic crystals, 17 October 2012, Magdeburg, Germany
  119. PT-symmetric dynamical systems, 7 September 2012, Theo-Muphy meeting on "Complex patterns in wave functions - drums, graphs, and disorder", The Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, UK
  120. Effects of nonuniform strain on PT-symmetric photonic crystals, 29 August 2012, Conference "Non-Hermitian Operators in Quantum Physics", Paris, France
  121. Quantum noise and self-sustained radiation of PT-symmetric optical systems, 20 October 2011, Birmingham, UK
  122. Scattering approach to PT-symmetric dynamical systems, 27 September 2011, "PT-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics Symposium", Heidelberg, Germany
  123. Counting statistics for mesoscopic conductors with internal dynamical degrees of freedom, 5 July 2011, UCL, London, UK
  124. Quantum optics and random matrix theory of coupled PT symmetric resonators, 17 June 2011, Conference "Quantum physics with non-hermitian operators", MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  125. Universal routes to spontaneous PT-symmetry breaking in non-hermitian quantum systems, 31 May 2011, East Midlands Mathematical Physics Seminar, Nottingham, UK
  126. Quantum optics and random matrix theory of coupled PT-symmetric resonators, 27 May 2011, International "Workshop On Microcavities and their Applications" (WOMA), Busan, South Korea
  127. PT symmetry in optical resonators 13 May 2011, Bielefeld, Germany
  128. Excess noise and PT symmetry in optical microresonators, 11 May 2011, Magdeburg, Germany
  129. Counting statistics for mesoscopic conductors with internal dynamical degrees of freedom, 4 May 2011, Manchester, UK
  130. Quantum optics and random matrix theory of PT symmetric resonators, 6 April 2011, UCL, London, UK
  131. Excess quantum noise in dielectric microlasers, 9 March 2011, Sheffield, UK
  132. Fractal Weyl laws in dynamical systems with a mixed phase space, "Dynamics Days Europe", 8 September 2010, Bristol, UK
  133. Adsorbate-limited conductivity of graphene, 1 September 2010, DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark
  134. Adsorbate-limited conductivity of graphene, 1 July 2010, Conference "Nanopeter 2010", St Petersburg, Russia
  135. Counting statistics for mesoscopic conductors with internal dynamical degrees of freedom, 22 June 2010, workshop "Physics of micro and nanoscale systems", Ystad, Sweden
  136. Adsorbate-limited conductivity of graphene, 23 April 2010, UIB Palma de Mallorca, Spain
  137. Resonator modes in unconventional cavities, 5 March 2010, Bristol University, UK
  138. Fractal Weyl laws - beyond ballistic chaotic decay, 18 December 2009, "Workshop on Random Matrix Theory", Brunel, London, UK
  139. Quantum pumping and pseudospintronics in graphene, 21 October 2009, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh, UK
  140. Adsorbate-limited conductivity of graphene, 10 October 2009, "Agressia-09", Keswick, UK
  141. Fractal Weyl laws - beyond ballistic chaotic decay, 23 September 2009, Workshop "Tunneling and Scattering in Complex Systems - From Single to Many Particle Physics", MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  142. Quantum pumping and pseudospintronics in graphene, 31 August 2009, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea
  143. Excess quantum noise in dielectric microresonators, 26 August 2009, International "Workshop On Microcavities and their Applications" (WOMA), Seoul, South Korea
  144. Adsorbate-limited conductivity of graphene, 4 August 2009, "Graphene" Workshop, Benasque, Spain
  145. Graphene: the role of chemical disorder, 18 March 2009, East Midlands Mathematical Physics Seminar, Nottingham, UK
  146. Adsorbate-limited conductivity of graphene, 6 March 2009, ESF Conference "Graphene Week", Obergurgl, Austria
  147. Transport in graphene: Disorder and Control, 26 February 2009, Royal Holloway, UK
  148. Lifetime distributions in open quantum systems: beyond ballistic chaotic decay, 22 January 2009, Conference "Resonances in physics and mathematics", CIRM, Luminy, France
  149. Adsorbate-limited conductivity of graphene, 18 September 2008, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea
  150. Nonexponential decoherence in a quantum Lévy kicked rotator, 9 September 2008, Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific 5 [DDAP5], Nara, Japan
  151. Adsorbate-limited conductivity of graphene, 5 September 2008, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
  152. Nonexponential dephasing of cold atoms, 2 July 2008, University of Hertfordshire, UK
  153. Transport in molecularly doped graphene, 25 April 2008, University of Basel, Switzerland
  154. Staggered level repulsion in lead-symmetric transport, 28 February 2008, Conference "Quantum Chaos: Routes to RMT Statistics and Beyond", Banff, Canada
  155. Nanolectrophotonics, 23 January 2008, Midterm review of the Marie Curie EXT, Lancaster, UK
  156. Counting statistics of electrons and photons, 10 August 2007, Summer School "Quantum Transport and Dynamics in Nanostructures", Windsor, UK
  157. Dynamical localisation and decoherence: effects of Levy noise, 19 April 2007, BAMC, Bristol, UK
  158. Nonexponential dephasing of cold atoms, 13 December 2006, Manchester University, UK
  159. Entanglement of qubits by an Aharonov-Bohm effect, 26 October 2006, University of Nottingham, UK
  160. Entanglement between static and flying qubits in an Aharonov-Bohm double electrometer, 4 August 2006, International seminar and workshop "Dynamics and Relaxation in Complex Quantum and Classical Systems and Nanostructures", Dresden, Germany
  161. Prompt entanglement between static and flying qubits in an Aharonov-Bohm double electrometer, 22 April 2006, Conference "Quantum phenomena at low temperatures", Lammi, Finland
  162. Resonant fluorescence in quantum dots and non-Markovian master equations, 6 April 2006, Marie Curie Advances Study Institute "Quantum Optics and Computation", Riomaggiore, Italy
  163. Entanglement of electrons by parity-preserving scattering in Aharonov Bohm rings, 4 April 2006, Marie Curie Advances Study Institute "Quantum Optics and Computation", Riomaggiore, Italy
  164. A simple model for non-exponential relaxation of complex quantum systems, 9 March 2006, Warwick, UK
  165. Non-exponential relaxation from entanglement with stationary unobserved degrees of freedom, 17 February 2006, Lancaster, UK
  166. Non-exponential relaxation from entanglement with stationary unobserved degrees of freedom, 12 January 2006, EPSRC Network Meeting on "Transport, Dissipation and Control in Quantum Devices", Manchester, UK
  167. Quantum-to-classical crossover of quasi-bound states and fractal Weyl laws in ballistic open systems, 2 December 2005, University of Bristol, UK
  168. Quantum-to-classical crossover of quasi-bound states and fractal Weyl laws in ballistic open systems, 23 November 2005, City University London, UK
  169. Non-exponential relaxation from entanglement with stationary unobserved degrees of freedom, 2 October 2005, MCRTN International Workshop "Nanoscale Dynamics and Quantum Coherence", Catania, Italy
  170. Quantum-to-classical crossover of quasi-bound states in ballistic systems, 29 September 2005, International Workshop "Correlations in quantum systems: quantum dots, quantum gases and nuclei", Palma de Mallorca, Spain
  171. Quantum-to-classical correspondence of resonances in ballistic chaotic systems, 12 March 2005, workshop "Aspects of Quantum Chaotic Scattering", MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  172. Quantum-to-classical correspondence in ballistic mesoscopic systems, 4 March 2005, Conference "Korrelationstage 2005", MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  173. Transport and Dynamics in complex nanostructures, 24 February 2005, TU Berlin, Germany
  174. Complexity on the Nanoscale, 22 February 2005, University of Nottingham, UK
  175. Quantum-to-classical correspondence in ballistic mesoscopic systems (theory colloquium), 5 November 2004, Universität zu Köln, Germany
  176. Quantum-to-classical correspondence in ballistic mesoscopic systems, 4 November 2004, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  177. Transport and Dynamics in Complex Nanostructures, 29 October 2004, Universität Hannover, Germany
  178. Transport and Dynamics in Complex Nanostructures, 14 October 2004, University of Lancaster, UK
  179. Quantum-to-classical crossover of quasi-bound states in open systems, "IV. Workshop on chaotic and disordered billiards", 7 October 2004, Göttingen, Germany
  180. Quantum-to-classical crossover of quasi-bound states in open systems, International Workshop on "Nanoscale Dynamics and Quantum Coherence", 22 September 2004, Hamburg, Germany
  181. Quantum-to-classical correspondence in mesoscopic transport, 23 June 2004, Focus meeting "Quantum chaos and its applications to mesoscopic physics", APCTP Pohang, South-Korea
  182. Suppression of shot noise by dynamical mechanisms, DPG spring meeting, 8 March 2004, Regensburg, Germany
  183. Transport and Dynamics in Complex Quantum Systems, 19 February 2004, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands
  184. Disorder-induced localization in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, 20 January 2004, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  185. Dynamical Mesoscopics, 6 November 2003, University Karlsruhe, Germany
  186. Full wavefunction statistics and anomalies in one-dimensional localization, 1 October 2003, RTN meeting "Nanoscale Dynamics, Coherence, and Computation" (October 1-4 2003), Calvia, Spain
  187. Information processing on the nanoscale, 25 September 2003, BAR meeting of the MPG, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  188. Particle-wave duality in mesoscopic transport (theory colloquium), 10 July 2003, Technical University Dresden, Germany
  189. Particle-wave duality in mesoscopic transport, 20 June 2003, University of Oxford, UK
  190. Deviations from universality in mesoscopic transport, 5 June 2003, Universität Ulm, Germany
  191. Particle-wave duality in mesoscopic transport, European Advanced Studies Conference "Chaos and Complex Systems", 31 May 2003, Novacella, Italy
  192. Waves in Complex Media and Mesoscopic Phenomena, 5 May 2003, Grand Evaluation of the MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  193. Large fluctuations in mesoscopic transport (colloquium), 19 March 2003, MPISF Göttingen, Germany
  194. Wavefunction statistics in 1d Anderson localization, 14 November 2002, Uni. Düsseldorf, Germany
  195. Wavefunction statistics in 1d Anderson localization, 8 November 2002, Conference "Electron Interference and Decoherence in Nanostructures", November 4 - 8 2002, MPI-PKS Dresden, Germany
  196. Band-center anomaly in 1d localization, 10 September 2002, Conference "Chaos and Interactions in Complex Quantum systems" (September 9-13 2002), Regensburg, Germany
  197. Dynamik lokalisierter Wellen in ungeordneten Medien, 18 July 2002, LMU München, Germany
  198. Quantum Transport in the mixed phase space: How deterministic? Dynamic Days Europe, 17 July 2002, Heidelberg, Germany
  199. Beyond the microchip: information technology on the nanoscale 24 January 2002, Kuratorium meeting MPI-PKS Dresden, Germany
  200. Delay times of localized waves (theory colloquium), 18 October 2001, Uni Karlsruhe, Germany
  201. Delay times of localized waves (Sep 27)
  202. Semiclassical significance of bifurcations (Sep 25)
  203. Statistics of the Petermann factor in chaotic cavities (Sep 25)
  204. Microscopic versus mesoscopic local density of states in 1D localization (Sep 24)
    (26.-29.:) Conference on Anderson localization, quantum chaos and random matrices, September 24-28 2001, ICTP Trieste, Italy
  205. Quantum phenomena of systems with a mixed phase space, 6 September 2001, Quantum Challenges 2001, Universität Essen, Germany
  206. Counting statistics of photons produced by electronic shot noise, 18 April 2001, FU Berlin, Germany
  207. Dynamics of wave propagation in random media, 27 February 2001, Gentner Symposium, Ein Gedi, Israel
  208. Dynamik komplexer Wellen (colloquium), 18 October 2000, Universität Essen, Germany
  209. Universal twinkling exponents for mixed systems, 27 July 2000, Universität Essen, Germany
  210. Dynamical effects on wave propagation in random media, 22 June 2000, MPI-PKS Dresden, Germany
  211. Large sample-to-sample fluctuations of the nonequilibrium critical current in mesoscopic Josephson junctions, TMR Network Meeting "Phase coherent dynamics of hybrid nanostructures", 9 May 2000, Carsege, France
  212. Quantum limit of the laser linewidth in chaotic cavities, 26 January 2000, University of Bristol, UK
  213. The linewidth of laser cavities with chaotic shape, 21 August 1999, Summer school on condensed matter theory, Windsor, UK
  214. Kinetic theory of shot noise in non-degenerate diffusive conductors, XVI Sitges Conference, "Statistical and dynamical aspects of mesoscopic systems", 9 June 1999, Sitges, Spain
  215. Excitation spectrum of Andreev billiards with a mixed phase space, TMR Network Meeting & School "Phase coherent dynamics of hybrid nanostructures", 25 May 1999, Bad Herrenalb, Germany
  216. Quantum-limited linewidth of a chaotic laser cavity, Thu 29 April 1999, Seminar "Dynamics of complex systems", MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  217. The linewidth of chaotic laser resonators, 15 April 1999, Universität Essen, Germany
  218. The reduced gap in Andreev billiards with a mixed phase space, 3 December 1998, TU Delft, The Netherlands
  219. Thouless energies for mixed dynamics, Extended Research Workshop on Disorder, Chaos and Interaction in Mesoscopic Systems, 9 September 1998, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
  220. Semiclassical quantization for systems with a mixed phase space, 26 February 1998, Yale University, USA
  221. Spectra of the kicked top, 18 December 1997, Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands
  222. Uniform approximations, December 1997, Universität Bochum, Germany
  223. Semiclassical contributions of periodic-orbit clusters in a mixed phase space, Israel/German young scientists meeting, 26 June 1997, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
  224. Semiclassics for mixed phase spaces, SFB Meeting, October 1996, Bad Honnef, Germany
  225. Collective influence of close classical trajectories on semiclassical spectra, 18 June 1996, Universität Ulm, Germany
  226. Bifurcations and semiclassics in the mixed phase space, Evaluation of SFB 237, June 1996, Universität Essen, Germany
  227. Subdiffusive and superdiffusive transport and generalized duality, Physikertagung, February 1996, Regensburg, Germany
  228. Torque and force on dielectric particles, June 1994, Kyoto, Japan
  229. Quantum mechanical diffusion in periodic potentials, 24 June 1993, Universität Essen, Germany

lectures for pupils and public audiences