Research Projects
Current funded projects (PI unless otherwise stated).
- Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Operational Research (2010-2018).
- Tawn (PI), Eckley (CI) and Glazebrook (CI).
- LETS: Locally stationary Energy Time Series (2011 - 2016).
- PI of Lancaster node. A parallel grant was also awarded to Nason (Bristol).
- Analysis methods for multiple sensor signals (2012-2015)
- Understanding big data (2012-2016)
- Joint with Fearnhead, Mihaylova and Pavlidis (CIs)
- Efficient search methods for high dimensional time series (2013-2016)
- Joint with Fearnhead (CI)
- EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistics and Operational Research in Partnership with Industry (2014-2022).
- Tawn (PI), Eckley (CI) and Glazebrook (CI).
Past projects
- Novel time series analysis methods (2011-2014)
- Analysis Methods for Complex Non-Stationary Signals (2009-2013)
- Non-stationary time series forecasting (2009-2013)
- Multiscale analysis of non-stationary time series (2010-2013)
- Wavelet methods for change-point analysis (2008-2012)
- Statistical data modelling and prediction of image features (2008-2012)
The financial support of the following sponsors is gratefully acknowledged;
- EPSRC, BT, DSTL, Garrad Hassan and Partners, Shell Research, Unilever.