NHS Site Set Up and Research Passports

Once you have a sponsor confirmed, and you have applied for your NHS approvals via IRAS (HRA, MHRA or NHS REC approval), you will also need to go through a period of assessment and planning at the local NHS site you plan to open your study at.

The site set up process and assessment will involve procedures that are undertaken by the Research department at the trust in collaboration with the clinical teams and the researcher. You may be asked to provide information to the trust so they are able to assess their ability to set up as a site against the project details, you may also be asked to answer some more logistical queries and make arrangements for how the study will be conducted at the site. This can include providing all of your project and approval information, negotiating what you need the site to do to help you, and documenting this.

More information on site set up processes and documents you may require can be found under the below drop down options.


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