Plastic Free July
The PPiPL team took part in the plastic-free July challenge in 2022. Find out more about the challenge and how they got on.

Going 'plastic packaging free'
Ever thought about going Plastic Free and what this means? The single-use plastic crisis is all over the media and being brought to the public consciousness. The abundance of plastic packaging is a major global issue, and the damage to society and the environment cannot be ignored.
As a team of nine interdisciplinary researchers at Lancaster University, we are investigating how plastic food packaging is embedded in people's everyday lives. Our research project examines all aspects of the plastic food packaging chain to devise ways of shifting attitudes towards and behaviours around plastic food packaging.
Inspired by the Plastic Free July global movement, we decided to challenge ourselves and go ‘plastic food packaging free' for a month.
Throughout July 2022, we focused on our food consumption, aiming to avoid all unnecessary single-use plastics (bags, bottles, straws, utensils, containers), and share our experiences, insights, and challenges with you! We were all at different stages in our relationship with plastic packaging, so we expected this to be quite a challenge.
Find out more about our plastic-free initiative and have a look at our weekly blogs sharing our experiences.
You can also share your experiences and any hints or with us on our PPiPL Twitter account and become part of the solution to plastic waste!
Read the news storyPlastic-free July blogs
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