Perturbation theory is a general method to analyse complex quantum systems in terms of simpler variants. The method relies on the expectation values, matrix elements and overlap integrals just introduced, which we now use to break down complex quantum processes into simpler parts. We focus on the simplest version of the method, which results in simple systematic approximations of energy levels. For completeness we also present details of the derivation, which illustrates the power of the Dirac notation.
We want to find approximations for the energies and eigenstates of a Hamiltonian ,
(139) |
assuming that the Hamiltonian is of the form , where represents a simplified system with energies and eigenstates solving the Schrödinger equation
(140) |
The difference between the real and the simplified system is called the perturbation, and the approximation scheme is called perturbation theory.
The idea of perturbation theory is to assume that the perturbation is the product of an operator and a small number (determining the strength of the perturbation).
Since the Hamiltonian
(141) |
now depends on the parameter , the energies and eigenstates also depend on this parameter.
Consequently, we can expand the energies and eigenstates into a series:
(142) | |||||
(143) | |||||
Perturbation theory provides a systematic scheme to express the quantities and in terms of the unperturbed energies , the unperturbed eigenstates , and the matrix elements of the perturbation
The scheme commences by introducing the series expansions (142) and (143) into the Schrödinger equation (139) and sorting the expressions order by order in :
(144) |
In order to fulfill this equation, the expressions in front of the powers have to be identical on both sides of the equation.
Since we assume that the perturbation is small, we concentrate on the first few orders.
Zeroth order perturbation theory:
In zeroth order of (collecting all terms that are
independent of ) one finds
(145) |
This equation is identical to the unperturbed Schrödinger equation (140) and hence verifies that we chose the correct leading coefficient in each series. This result had to be expected since for the Hamiltonian equals the unperturbed Hamiltonian. Therefore the energies are equal to the unperturbed energies, and the eigenstates are identical with the unperturbed eigenstates.
First order perturbation theory:
In first order of (collecting all terms that are
proportional to ) one finds
(146) |
The coefficient and the state can now be determined using the orthonormality of the unperturbed eigenstates , i.e., , where if and if .
In order to use this property, take the scalar product of an unperturbed eigenstate with both sides of Eq. (146):
(147) |
Here we used and the definition of the matrix element .
For , Eq. (147) reduces to
(148) |
while for we find
(149) |
Since the unperturbed eigenstates form a complete basis this gives
(150) |
where the sum is over all indices , with the exception of .
Second order perturbation theory:
By similar steps, one derives in the second order of
(151) |
In this course, we will not need , , or higher terms of the perturbation series.
Perturbed energy in first order of :
(152) |
Hence, the energy shift is given by the expectation value of the perturbation .
Perturbed eigenstate in first order of :
(153) |
Perturbed energy in second order of :
(154) |
In the following we only need these results, not any details of their derivation.
We now discuss various simple examples of perturbed systems, including cases where we can compare to exact solutions. The first example is a worn-out oscillator, described by a reduced restoring force . This corresponds to a potential , which is still parabolic, and hence still describes a harmonic oscillator.
Exact solution: The new oscillation frequency can be calculated from the curvature of the potential, , hence . This determines the exact perturbed energies
(155) |
For small , the perturbed frequency can be approximated as
(156) |
We focus on the ground state, with . The perturbed ground state energy can be approximated as
(157) |
The first term is the unperturbed ground-state energy . Consequently, the energy shift of the ground state is
(158) |
Perturbation theory: Let us see whether we can recover this result in perturbation theory.
The Hamiltonian
(159) |
differs from the unperturbed harmonic oscillator by the perturbation . According to first-order perturbation theory, the energy shift of the states is given by the expectation value of this perturbation, calculated with the unperturbed states. Hence, the ground-state energy shift is
(160) |
where is the ground state wave function of the unperturbed harmonic oscillator (see section VI). This state has the form of a minimal-uncertainty wave packet (see section VII.5), for which we already obtained . Consequently, first-order perturbation theory predicts
(161) |
which indeed agrees with Eq. (158).
Another exactly solvable perturbed problem describes a harmonic oscillator subjected to an additional constant force of strength , . A constant force simply shifts the equilibrium position (the position where the force vanishes) to
(162) |
The potential energy can be written as
(163) |
hence, the perturbation is .
Exact solution: The potential energy can be written so that the new equilibrium position becomes apparent,
(164) |
This describes again a harmonic oscillator with the same frequency as before, but oscillating around . The states hence are also simply shifted by . We can now introduce a new coordinate , and recover the potential energy of the unperturbed harmonic oscillator. The only difference the term
(165) |
which shifts the bound state energies to a lower value:
(166) |
This result is exact. Notice that the shift is proportional to the square .
Perturbation theory: Let us see again whether we can recover this result in perturbation theory. Since the exact energy shift is proportional to the square of the perturbation strength we have to resort to second-order perturbation theory.
We again concentrate on the ground-state energy . The first-order energy shift is given by the expectation value of the perturbation ,
(167) |
Now notice that is proportional to the wave function
of the first excited state of the unperturbed system, calculated in section VI.
(168) |
due to the orthogonality of the eigenstates and . This agrees with the absence of a term linear in in the exact expression (166) of the energy shift.
In second-order perturbation theory,
(169) |
we have to calculate the matrix elements
(170) | |||||
(171) | |||||
(172) |
Again because of the orthogonality of the eigenstates , all of these matrix elements vanish, with the exception of the element
(173) |
Hence the energy shift reduces to
(174) |
Moreover, since , we have . Collecting all results we obtain
(175) |
which agrees with the exact result (166).
The parabolic potential is often used as an approximation of the motion in around an equilibrium position , such as in the vibration of molecules or solids. The exact potential can be expanded in a Taylor series around the equilibrium position,
In this expansion there are no terms linear in since the force vanishes at the equilibrium position .
As we have seen in example II, the constant simply shifts the energy, and the displacement by does not change the energies at all. In the following we set , .
The terms of order and higher are called the anharmonicity of the potential. Classically, they perturb the motion of the oscillator so that the oscillation period depends on the energy of the oscillator (recall the period of a harmonic oscillator is independent of the oscillation amplitude ). Quantum mechanical, this results in a perturbation of the bound-state energies. For small energies, the classical oscillation amplitude is small, and hence the effect of the anharmonic terms should be small and rapidly decrease with . We hence only account for the anharmonic term of lowest order in the Taylor series,
(177) |
where typically , but sometimes also or larger due to symmetries of the problem.
Now we apply perturbation theory in order to estimate the resulting energy shift of the ground state.
In first-order perturbation theory, the energy shift is given by the expectation value of the perturbation ,
(178) |
We hence have to calculate the overlap integral
This integral vanishes if is an odd integer, since the integrand is antisymmetric (the integral from to 0 exactly cancels the integral from to ). Hence, in first-order perturbation theory
(181) |
An energy shift is only found in second-order perturbation theory, which we however do not pursue for the present problem.
For and even integer we use the standard integral
where we set . This gives the first order energy shift
(182) |
It is convenient to express this result in terms of the uncertainty of position in the ground state, which is the equivalent of the classical oscillation amplitude. One then obtains
(183) |
Note that the numerical coefficient rapidly falls of with increasing .