Summer 1997
News of CTI Music
The major news from CTI Music is that Anthony Pople, Director since the Centre's inception in 1989, is leaving us to take up a chair at the University of Southampton. We wish him well in his new life in the deep south.
We are delighted to report that Roger Bray will be taking over as Director from 1 August and welcome the new insight and experience that he will bring to our work. Roger is not, of course, new to CTI Music, having been one of the original bidders for the grant and a joint grant-holder at the start of the Centre's existence.
Wider news of CTI
Coincident with the publishing of the Dearing Report, the UK Funding Councils will start a review of the two major UK HE projects concerned with the application of new learning technologies - CTI and the TLTP. Just as Dearing will set out the paths that HE will tread in the coming years, this review's report will determine the future of CTI nationally and of all its constituent Subject Centres. We hope that the review will secure continued funding for CTI and that we shall be able to work with you in the future on the integration of new teaching, learning and technological developments in educating future musicians and musicologists.
New-look newsletter
As you will notice from the paper copy (and in this electronic issue in due course), our newsletter has been redesigned with the help of The Graphic Design Unit at Lancaster University. It was decided that we needed a more visually appealing face to present to the world at large. The purpose of the newsletter remains the same, however, and we hope to continue to provide the Higher Education Music community with news and information that is useful and relevant to your work. If you have any comments or requests, do please get in touch with us.
Earlier this year, we ran a very successful
seminar/workshop on
software for aural training. This event generated considerable interest and participants were able to try out fourteen software packages in two rooms on both Macintosh and PC computers. A special feature of the day was a presentation by members of the CALMA (Computer Assisted Learning for Musical Awareness) project from Huddersfield and participants welcomed the opportunity to see and discuss future developments in aural perception work.
As a follow-up to the seminar/workshop, the bulk of this newsletter is devoted to a summary of available aural training software. We hope that you will find it useful and we welcome updates, corrections and notification of any software we have missed!
Lisa Whistlecroft
CTImusic News is © 1997 CTImusic, Lisa Whistlecroft, Ronald Woodley. All rights reserved
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