Centre for Health Futures

A person running on the university woodland trail

Introduction and background

The Centre for Health Futures aims to be a hub for excellence in research, innovation and professional development for health and care organisations. Working in partnership, we apply both academic and practice perspectives to innovate for better patient care and a healthier population.

The Centre for Health Futures focuses on business and management perspectives, contributing to Lancaster University’s wider expertise and aims through the Health Innovation Campus and collaboration with colleagues in other Faculties.

We should like to thank the Integrated Care System, Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria and the Innovation Agency North West for their financial support. We are working collaboratively with them to develop some strategic priorities. We are also working with other agencies locally as part of the Innovation Agency North West SEED Health alliance.

Our region’s distinctive geography, with small cities, medium-sized towns and a great rural expanse, provides a novel focus for our work. There are specific challenges in delivering health and care in an area with post-industrial economic and social problems. We have the opportunity to share our expertise nationally and globally where similar issues arise.

The challenges we face include:

  • Delivering high-quality, sustainable services in sparsely populated areas;
  • Health inequalities and poor health outcomes with wider impacts on productivity and the economy;
  • Difficulties in staff recruitment and retention.

Transcript for Health Futures Research in Lancaster University Management School

I think it's really important for Lancaster University Management School to have a focus on healthcare and healthcare issues in contemporary society. Today we are facing significant challenges with regard to inactivity in the workplace. If you think about the important factors in society, we want people in our country to be happy. What determines their happiness? Well the most important factor is their physical and mental health. Ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing is a key global sustainable development goal. This is a central concern for us in LUMS and we work closely with local health organisations and with other parts of the university to deliver and respond to the needs of our location. Health is something that has always been important for the management school and it's an opportunity for us to work with our other faculties in the university, particularly health and medicine. Research potentially has an enormous impact in shaping practice in organisations like hospitals, mental health institutions, even ambulance services, community health services because we can provide evidence in very uncertain times about what makes a difference. Our research has shown that what predicts the performance of healthcare organisations is levels of staff engagement, the extent of compassionate leadership, quality of teamworking, inclusion and also high levels of morale and low levels of burnout and stress. Well those kind of research findings can inform policymakers about how they can make the changes they need to make to ensure our health services are delivering for the people of our country. It's important to work closely with these organisations to really understand often through very particular instances and examples where the obstacles lie. We can talk in broad terms about SMEs being short of time and short of resources and very different to the NHS which is big, maybe bureaucratic and slow to change, but we need to understand exactly how that plays out in practice in particular instances what stops them being able to get an interview with the procurement manager at the NHS or whatever it might be. So only by working closely with the firms and with the NHS colleagues can we really understand how that obstacle really plays out in process what form it takes. Our work on that process of these engaging with the NHS through the Health Innovation Network this kind of intermediary organisation has really allowed us to report to them that the Health Innovation Network what we think works what we saw happening in the processes that they support and facilitate and we hopefully can tell them some things from an outside neutral perspective which may help them improve that function in future and help those SMEs more of those SMEs connect effectively to the NHS. Mia is the project on measures for improved access to medicines and vaccines and the main focus is providing an evidence base for dealing with shortages in medicine supply chains. It's also focused on bringing together different stakeholder groups outside of the traditional supply chain so that they can work together to tackle these challenges. Mia is an important research topic because medicines are part of all our lives regardless of whatever age at some point we will typically have some interaction with medicines and they have a host of functions from giving us comfort to helping us treat life-threatening conditions so being able to improve the supply means being able to improve the quality of lives of individuals around the world. Our research addresses a very important problem which is the limited availability of drugs that patients need for their treatment and wellbeing more generally it is a big issue internationally with recent examples of medicines going short being antibiotics, oncology drugs and ADHD medication. Lancaster is part of the Mia international project which seeks to identify in evidence cost-effective measures to reduce medicine shortages and improve the resilience of medicine supply chains. We have engaged with major stakeholders in the UK including the Department of Health and Social Care the NHS industry association and community pharmacist to try to identify some effective solutions in this area. This is a very important issue for research and it has the potential to generate significant impact because obviously medicine shortages can directly impact the patients and their welfare it can lead to delay or cancellation of care and in some extreme scenarios it can also lead to deaths. So the work that I'm doing in health services across the UK and internationally in essence is kind of focused on how do we create the conditions within health service organisations where high quality continually improving and compassionate care will be delivered for patients but also how do we create the conditions where we are providing high-quality compassionate support for staff because those two things go together. I think it's enormously important to engage with large organisations like those that constitute the NHS. I mean when you think about it the NHS is the largest single employer in Europe 1.4 million people employed in England and the NHS touches everybody's lives continually throughout their lives and I think as a university as academics it's part of our responsibility to support those institutions to try to make a positive difference in society.

Research and innovation

Business and management perspectives offered within the Centre provide a key component in finding solutions to health and care problems. Lancaster University Management School has a range of cutting-edge interdisciplinary expertise built up over many years.

Our organisational studies researchers explore broader themes of leadership, management organisational development and behaviour, including human resource management, information and technology and society, all of which are key components of health and care, while The Work Foundation is a core part of our School, with a focus on ‘good work’ and themes around health, wellbeing and productivity.

Economists in LUMS are working with a specialist Health Economics group in Lancaster’s Faculty of Health and Medicine. In Operations Management and Operational Research, we provide insights around the delivery of healthcare services, including forecasting demand and scheduling services, and in investigating innovation in SME suppliers to the NHS.

Our Entrepreneurship and Strategy expertise supports innovation and changes through entrepreneurial thinking and strategy development with implications across the sector. Our Marketing experts examine factors related to the consumption of healthcare services, and consumer behaviour specialists focus on health and wellbeing, including alcohol and food consumption and our Accounting and Finance specialists can support the NHS to balance financial efficiency with care excellence.


Professional and organisational development

Lancaster University Management School has a recognised track record in delivering high-quality professional development programmes for medical and clinical staff. We provide career development opportunities that support staff recruitment and retention. Our strong tradition of innovative approaches to management learning complements and enhances NHS leadership development programmes.

Our existing programmes for healthcare professionals are work-based, allowing for high levels of co-design with organisations and participants, and for customised programmes to be delivered. We ensure that learning results in changes to practice for patient benefit, and our flexible digital delivery allows participants to study from work or from home.

Someone is typing on a laptop.

Student and graduate talent

LUMS students take the cutting-edge knowledge and insight gained from our high-quality teaching and apply it directly through supervised consultancy projects, placements and internships as part of their degrees. These collaborations can make a significant contribution to innovation and change in healthcare. Students have previously researched the experiences and job satisfaction of international doctors, developed development programmes for non-clinical staff in GP practices, and worked in partnership with businesses on a smart drinking cup to the monitor fluid intake of patients.

Management Science Master's students have worked for NHS Trusts and agencies on an extensive range of projects, including theatre flow modelling, forecasting A and E attendances, predicting winter workloads, and simulation modelling for new services. PhD researchers have explored areas such as waiting list management and modelling patient flows.

Our graduates leave LUMS with a wealth of skills suited to working in the health and care professions. They have been recruited to the NHS Graduate Training scheme and to healthcare charities such as Alzheimer’s and Cancer Research.

Graduates sitting for photography in gowns.

Access to business partnerships

Lancaster University Management School has a proud history of working with businesses large and small. For 20 years, we have delivered innovation programmes for small medium-sized business (SMEs), with a particular focus on Cumbria and Lancashire.

We have developed a significant network of over 5,000 SMEs, a body of long-term collaborators, and key relationships with regional and national government agencies.

We can facilitate partnerships across the public and private sectors in support of healthcare innovation. Through programmes delivered as part of the Health Innovation Campus, we are supporting partners in developing innovations, products, and services.

Health Innovation Campus.


Centre Director

Maria Piacentini

Centre for Health Futures, Health Equity Network, Management and Society, Pentland Centre

WP D061, D - Floor, Management School

Centre Administrator

Teresa Aldren

Teresa Aldren

Research Enhancement and Centres Administrator

Centre for Consumption Insights, Centre for Family Business, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, Centre for Productivity and Innovation, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Centre for Technological Futures , Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL)

+44 (0)7540 302028 B204, B - Floor, Management School

Centre Members

Maria Piacentini

Centre for Health Futures, Health Equity Network, Management and Society, Pentland Centre

WP D061, D - Floor, Management School
Teresa Aldren

Teresa Aldren

Research Enhancement and Centres Administrator

Centre for Consumption Insights, Centre for Family Business, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, Centre for Productivity and Innovation, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Centre for Technological Futures , Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL)

+44 (0)7540 302028 B204, B - Floor, Management School
Lisa Ashmore

Dr Lisa Ashmore

Associate Dean (Engagement) / Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences

CeMoRe - Centre for Mobilities Research, Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Science Studies, Interdisciplinary network in culture, health, ethics and society

Sunil Banga

Dr Sunil Banga

Senior Lecturer

Academy for Gender and Social Justice Research in Organisations, Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Supply Chain Management

+44 (0)1524 594639 D08, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Michaela Benson

Professor Michaela Benson

Professor in Public Sociology

Centre for Alternatives to Social and Economic Inequalities, Centre for Health Futures

Amjad Fayoumi

Dr Amjad Fayoumi

Senior Lecturer in Information Systems

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Technological Futures , Health Systems, Information Systems, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Advanced Manufacturing, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security), Simulation and Stochastic Modelling

Simon Hallam

Simon Hallam

Partnership Development Manager

Centre for Health Futures

Mahsa Honary

Dr Mahsa Honary

Lecturer in Information Systems

Centre for Health Futures, Information Systems, Security Lancaster (Sociology)

Peter Jacko

Dr Peter Jacko

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Health Futures, DSI - Foundations, Health Systems, Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

D02a, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Rebecca Liu

Dr Rebecca Liu

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Consumption Insights, Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Technological Futures , DSI - Society, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Pentland Centre

Guglielmo Lulli

Professor Guglielmo Lulli

Professor in Network Analytics

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , DSI - Foundations, Optimisation

Katy Mason

Professor Katy Mason

Visiting Researcher

WP C010, C - Floor, Management School
Jane O'Brien

Professor Jane O'Brien

Professor Emeritus

Centre for Health Futures, Health Equity Network

Kandrika Pritularga

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting

D28, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Luke Rhodes-Leader

Dr Luke Rhodes-Leader

Lecturer in Management Science

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

D28, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Anna-Lena Sachs

Dr Anna-Lena Sachs

Senior Lecturer in Predictive Analytics

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, DSI - Foundations, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

+44 (0)1524 521894 D03b, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Kostas Selviaridis

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Productivity and Innovation, Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Health Systems, Pentland Centre, Supply Chain Management

D39, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building
Ivan Svetunkov

Dr Ivan Svetunkov

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Richard Williams

Dr Richard Williams

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Technological Futures , DSI - Health, Health Systems, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training, Technology, Systems and Organisation

+44 (0)1524 592214 D10, D - Floor, Charles Carter Building

Contact us

For more information about the Centre for Health Futures, please contact Simon Hallam, Partnerships Development Manager.